Integrated pest management (IPM) of cereal diseases
Our guide focuses on the most important diseases of wheat and barley and their reduction through integrated pest management (IPM). Our web pages also cover fungicide performance, programmes and resistance – as well as more information on seedbourne, soilborne, stem-base, foliar, ear and virus diseases of wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale.
Key diseases in UK cereals
Other UK cereal diseases
Further information
Encyclopaedia of cereal diseases
Fungicide performance in cereals and oilseed rape
Introduction to foliar disease management in cereals
Fungicide programmes for wheat and barley
The Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG-UK)
An introduction to grain sampling
Seedborne diseases of cereals: tests and thresholds
Rotation, cultivation and drilling options for cereal disease management
Introduction to disease resistance in cereals and oilseed rape