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- Governance
AHDB is a levy board funded by farmers, growers and other parts of the supply chain. Here, we present our governance structure: the board, statutory committees and leadership team, plus, of course, the four sector councils.
Our purpose is to help UK agriculture be more competitive and sustainable. We aim to always be accountable to our levy payers and transparent in our actions.
How our governance is structured
AHDB is a non-departmental public body and reports to the UK Parliament through Defra Ministers.
AHDB completed a review of its governance structure in early 2022 to enable levy payers to have greater input in decision-making. Our governance framework is designed to deliver accountability and responsibility for what AHDB does and how it does it.
AHDB’s governance framework

The AHDB board comprises nine members, and is accountable for what AHDB does. At least half its members are recent or current levy payers with industry expertise, and all members must be able to demonstrate skills and experience relevant to the board.
AHDB board members are appointed by the Secretary of State for Defra, acting with the UK’s devolved governments. The board meets a minimum of six times a year.
Read more about the board.
Statutory committees
Two statutory committees support the board:
- Audit and Risk Assurance Committee
- Remuneration and Nominations Committee
Read more about the work of the committees.
Sector councils
Sector councils play a huge part in how AHDB works – they advise on wider sector matters, identify new industry challenges, and constantly act to represent levy payer interests.
The four sector councils (for Beef & Lamb, Cereals & Oilseeds, Dairy and Pork) decide:
- What programmes of work AHDB should carry out to support levy payers in their sectors
- What rate of levy is needed to fund that work
Read more about the work of the four sector councils
Leadership team
The AHDB chief executive and leadership team determine how those programmes of work will be delivered.
Read more about the chief executive and leadership team.
Our legal framework
AHDB’s work is governed by two main documents:
- The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Order 2008 defines the statutory functions of AHDB.
- The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Framework Document, which defines the relationship between AHDB and Defra/the devolved governments: