Corporate strategy
AHDB has undergone a period of radical change, driven by the need to be more accountable to levy payers and by the rapid changes affecting farmers, growers and processors.
Shape the Future and sector plans
In our Shape the Future vote in April and May 2022 thousands of levy payers had their say on what their sector needed most and the relative importance of AHDB’s different areas of work. They also ratified new members nominated to the four sector councils.
In the summer and autumn of 2022, the sector councils met to consider the Shape the Future results alongside the industry context.
Meetings culminated in the creation of four sector-specific plans, which set out the work AHDB will address over the next three to five years.
These were presented in November 2022 at an open meeting, Delivering the Future of Farming (DTFF), and published online.
2024 levy increase
Increases to AHDB’s levy for the Beef & Lamb, Cereals & Oilseeds, Dairy and Pork sectors came into force on 1 April 2024.
This was the first levy increase for the Beef & Lamb and Cereals & Oilseeds sectors for more than 10 years and in over 20 years for Dairy and Pork, and were requested by our four sector councils to address the reduction in AHDB's spending power, which has been hit by rising costs and the increase in inflation.
It will allow us to maintain our focus on delivering the objectives set out in the sector plans.
We outlined in more detail how the levy increase would be invested for your benefit for each sector and answered your questions in the Funding Your Future exercise at the end of 2023.
Find out more about Funding your Future and how your levy will be invested