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GB retail prices
Updated 26 February 2025
This information tracks the changes in the price of dairy products at shop level – highlighting promotional activity in particular retailers.

Additional information
All prices are updated monthly. Data is for the four-week periods ending on the given dates.
Note: This data should be used in its entirety and not added to historic data. Nielsen took over the supply of this data from July 2023 and therefore figures shown are not comparable to prices previously published in this report.
*average price of pasteurised cows milk - 4 pints private label
**milkandmore online price (on reported date) - 1 pint semi-skimmed glass bottle
***average price per kg of block Cheddar - excludes sliced and grated
n/c: no change
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This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, please visit the Data and Analysis team page.
If you need any further help, please email Martin, Esther, Dorian or Gavin at datum@ahdb.org.uk
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