UK cereals supply and demand estimates

Updated 30 May 2024
The balance between supply and demand sets the overall tone of the domestic market. AHDB publishes forecasts of cereal supply and demand for the UK split into the areas of availability, consumption, exports and stocks.

Latest UK cereal supply and demand: May 2024

Key points

  • Domestic consumption remains historically strong, though firmer imports from concerns over next season’s crop, as well as reduced exports, see end of season stocks forecast at their largest this century.
  • The barley supply and demand balance remains tighter than average. Though much like wheat, increased imports and minimal exports leave the heaviest ending stocks since 2014/15.
  • With increased domestic consumption from the relative price to wheat, imports of maize are forecast up on 2022/23 levels, though remain below the previous five-year average.
  • Despite reduced domestic consumption, a smaller oat crop and minimal imports, combined with a firmer than average export pace, leads to the smallest ending stocks forecast since 2005/06.
View the latest estimates

Historical UK supply and demand

Additional information

Next update: September 2024

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