UK delivered prices
This survey is a key indicator of domestic price trends. It shows the traded value of bread wheat, feed wheat, feed barley and oilseed rape delivered to processors.
Latest update
Additional information
Each week on a Friday, the spot price is published for the current month, plus a selection of forward months. In instances where there are less than 7 days remaining in the current month, the following month is collected.
We try publish prices for various commodities i.e. Feed Wheat, Bread Wheat, Biscuit Wheat and Feed Barley. However, some commodities may be missing if we have insufficient quotes to calculate a published average.
Delivered prices are the price paid by the processor, which includes the value of transportation and any other fees due between the crop leaving the farm gate and arriving at its destination, such as merchant fee’s.
For more information on the daily and weekly cereals market, please see our market analysis page.
Contact us
This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team visit the Data and Analysis team page.
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