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Challenging misinformation
AHDB’s Media & PR team, with the support of internal and industry stakeholders, works to challenge misinformation in the press, social media and advertising. As well as encouraging balanced reporting through sharing facts about British agriculture and the challenges of sustainable food production. Outlined below are some of the claims we've challenged and how we work with the media.
AHDB receives and reviews a large number of requests through its adcheck@ahdb.org.uk service, including adverts and website content from Quorn, Oatly, Flora B+tter, Carbon Savvy, Climate Hero, Animal Equality, and Viva's 'Killer Muller'. After consideration and sometimes contact with the brands, we are unaware of any ASA regulation breaches.
August 2024
We submitted an official complaint to the BBC regarding serious concerns about the misreporting of facts in the TV documentary ‘Brian May: The Badgers, The Farmers and Me’, which aired on BBC Two on Friday, 23 August.
July 2024
AHDB shared evidence with North Devon Council regarding livestock’s importance as part of a healthy balanced diet, as well as providing a current understanding of its environmental impact.
This information was offered to the council to ensure councillors were informed of the facts for debating a motion that considered council catering switching to plant-based foods and encouraging the local farming community to shift towards plant-based farming. For more information go to: Agenda for Council on Wednesday, 17th July, 2024, 6.30 pm | North Devon Council.
The proposal was heavily defeated − Farmers protest against North Devon Council plant-based plan - BBC News.
May 2024
We successfully challenged a number of factual inaccuracies about the dairy sector published in an Evening Standard article that claims milk production is 'cruel'.
We were able to successfully argue that the Evening Standard could not state milk can contain hormones or antibiotics.
We also ensured it was made clear that animal welfare cases, such as an incident reported in a Panorama expose are very rare, and we corrected them on a claim that malpractice 'often' occurs within the sector.
AHDB’s Director of Stakeholder Engagement, Paul Flanagan, is now quoted in the article, highlighting the great care that dairy farmers take in looking after their livestock.
April 2024
We have submitted a complaint to ASA about the Flora B+tter Skip the Cow campaign advert.
The advert asks 'Is it a bit weird we’ve spent so many years pumping plants through a cow?'.
Pumping is widely defined and understood to imply force, pressure or a mechanical action i.e. using a pump. AHDB believes using this phase implies cows are either force-fed or are fed plants, contrary to their natural diet.
Force-feeding is banned in the UK under The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2000 and so dairy cows are never force-fed.
Cows are herbivores and so rely solely on a plant-based diet.
UK dairy cows are given access to fresh pasture and a feed ration containing plants only. This is supported by UK law which prohibits the feeding of animal-based proteins to livestock.
Providing this information, AHDB believes the phrase 'pumping plants through' is misleading and breaches CAP code 3.1.
February 2024
AHDB responded to incorrect claims made by in an article in The Grocer by campaign group Feedback Global that the Let’s Eat Balanced campaign was focused on promoting the increased consumption of meat and dairy and that the nutritional argument for red meat consumption "flies directly in the face of science".
We pointed out that the campaign is designed to highlight the nutritional, health, and sustainability benefits of British red meat and dairy, as part of a well-balanced, healthy diet.
We also highlighted that Let’s Eat Balanced is aligned with the UK government’s dietary guidelines, outlined in the Eatwell Guide.
As part of this we were able to correct Feeback Global’s claim that the UK eats too much red meat by pointing out that the National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows on average people eat well below the recommended daily amount.
We also made clear that nutritionists widely accept lean red meat provides essential nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins.
January 2024
AHDB pushed back after TV presenter Chris Packham made some accusations about our new Let’s Eat Balanced campaign - labelling it as "dangerous propaganda".
In response, we highlighted our dedication to being evidence based and the failure by many to recognise the value of livestock in producing plant-based foods sustainability.
We also made a formal complaint to the BBC, as we feel it is important to raise the question about whether Mr Packham should be able to make such claims when regularly working for a flagship broadcaster that prides itself on its impartiality.
The BBC responded to our concerns in February
"The BBC of course recognises the possibility that external non-BBC public activity of someone who presents BBC programmes could potentially be perceived as compromising the BBC’s impartiality. We therefore have guidelines in place to ensure that the external interests and views of presenters do not affect the BBC’s integrity or overlap with the work they do on the BBC. Each case obviously has to be judged on its merits and we carefully monitor our content. Nevertheless, we have shared your concerns with the relevant BBC staff and your complaint has been included on our complaints report and shared with senior management."
We responded to a press article that claimed a switch to vegan diets could save the NHS £6.7 billion per year.
AHDB’s Lead Nutritionist Kate Arthur said:
"This study, funded by the Vegan Society, reports new research that has yet to be evaluated. As the authors have pointed out, it does have numerous limitations as is based on very limited evidence looking at the relationship between vegan diets and health outcomes. For this reason, the authors have had to make numerous assumptions based on the limited evidence available to them, and further research is required."Nutritional intake is a crucial factor in determining health outcomes, however this has not been captured in this new model. Although nutritional adequacy can be provided by a plant-based diet, it is possible to consume an unhealthy plant-based diet. It is important to note that animal food sources make an important contribution to some nutrients in the UK diet. For example, red meat provides micronutrients such as iron, vitamin B12 and zinc which are often lacking in peoples’ diets. 49% of teenage girls for instance have low intakes of iron, which may result in iron deficiency anaemia.
"There is increasing evidence to show that a healthy balanced diet, which is aligned with the current government dietary recommendations can improve population health as highlighted by AHDB’s ‘Let’s Eat Balanced’ campaign. Diseases including cancer and heart disease are the result of many different dietary and lifestyle risk factors occurring over time, some of which cannot be modified, like a person’s genes or age, and others that can be changed such as diet and lifestyle.
"Rather than advocating for vegan diets, it is more appropriate to promote a healthy eating dietary pattern that is realistic, affordable and accessible for everyone to follow, such as that recommended in the Government’s ‘Eat Well Guide’.
"This healthy balanced diet includes a greater diversity of healthy plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole-grain carbohydrates, nuts, and seeds, while still allowing for the inclusion of animal sourced foods including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. However, it has been estimated that less than 1% of the population actually follow these healthy eating recommendations."
December 2023
AHDB made a complaint to Ofcom about Channel 4’s 'Big British Beef Battle' for failing to observe due impartiality and due accuracy, as well as fairness, under its fairness rule 7.9.
For anyone who has seen the programme, it is very difficult not to argue that it was misleading to British consumers and included a number of factual inaccuracies.
It demonstrated a key issue for AHDB, that the narrative around livestock agriculture and its impact on the environment needs addressing, and that is why we have raised our concerns with Ofcom.
Read our complaint in full and our blog on the issue.
October 2023
AHDB's Lead Nutritionist Kate Arthur responds to a Harvard University study which links red meat consumption to increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
One study alone cannot conclusively attribute health issues to meat consumption. Therefore, further research is needed, especially when the evidence stems from an observational study – such that causation (association) does not equal an effect.
‘Rest is Money’ podcast describes agriculture as a “degenerative system” where “meat is the problem”. AHDB wrote to the presenters to highlight the extent of regenerative farming practices carried out by British farmers and how these are benefitting nature and climate action. Along with how global emissions data does reflect the wider impact of different farming systems.
What is lost in the figures you quoted about the emissions impact of the global food system, is the wider, overall environmental impact different food production systems can have. For example, beef produced in well managed grass-based systems, common in the UK can be and are often more beneficial for the wider environment than crops grown abroad on deforested land using high inputs of chemicals. It isn’t as simple as meat is the problem, so eat less of it.
September 2023
We publicly responded to a survey being supported by the RSPCA suggesting 57% of consumers believe most people should eat less red meat and that 58% have taken steps to eliminate or reduce their own meat consumption.
AHDB’s Retail Insight Manager Grace Randall said:
"AHDB/Kantar data for the 12 weeks to May 2023 shows that 94% of households in Britain currently purchase red meat, with shopper numbers up 0.3% on the previous year. Around a quarter of households purchase some meat-free products but that trend has been declining and shopper numbers are down 8%.
"28% of consumers say they believe they are eating less red meat but only 11% say they eat too much and the main reason for those consuming less meat is overwhelmingly down to cost, at around 40% (Source: AHDB/YouGov May-23).
"Our research also shows consumers are becoming more sceptical of meat-free being healthier (21% in 2023 down from 25% in 2021) or more environmentally friendly (down by 9 points from 53% in 2021 to 44% in 2023)."
July 2023
AHDB publicly responds to University of Oxford study on climate impact of high meat diets.
AHDB is disappointed to see, once again, a study conveying simplistic conclusions to a very complex topic. Foods fulfil different roles within our diets and therefore cannot be fairly compared by weight, calorie or even nutrient contribution. Limited intake of animal-based foods has also shown to increase nutritional inadequacy, an area often overlooked by these kinds of studies.
After contacting the BBC to raise a lack of balance in its reporting, AHDB’s response was included in its online article Eating less meat like taking 8m cars off the road. AHDB experts went on to put forward a review of the study to author Professor Scarborough who was responsive and considerate of the feedback.
June 2023
The British Nutrition Foundation releases research on Ultra Processed Foods (many cereal based, dairy and meat products are classed as ultra processed), AHDB’s Lead Nutritionist responds to highlight that,
... not all UPF’s are unhealthy, and demonising all processed foods could adversely impact intake of affordable sources of nutrients.
Take a look at Kate's article on tips for a healthy and balanced diet.
May 2023
A Bristol Post article covering an interview with Bear Grylls who claims he is 'embarrassed' that he used to promote veganism, makes the claim “methane released from cows is worst for the environment than all forms of transport, including planes, cars and boats”. AHDB contacted the paper to highlight the error, but the article was supplied by a third-party author.
March 2023
AHDB formally requests the retraction of the Global Burden of Disease study 2019. It follows the lack of transparency from The Lancet to demonstrate whether the influential study went through due process to ensure its legitimacy. Concerns were first raised in 2022.
An article is published raising awareness of methane inhibiting feed additives for cattle. The articles quote the global livestock figure of 14.5% instead of UK specific cattle emissions which are 5%, or 7% for all livestock. AHDB contacted the journalists to highlight the point to which amendments were made in The Times.
AHDB responds to a social media post by environmentalist Ben Goldsmith who outlines why he thinks “sheep have got to go”.
It’s time to talk about sheep. The unavoidable truth is that sheep are the principal obstacle standing in the way of meaningful nature recovery in Britain’s national parks and other agriculturally marginal landscapes. There is no getting around it.
January 2023
The Economist recycled its 2021 article ‘Treating beef like coal would make a big dent in greenhouse gas emissions’, in response AHDB contacted the publication to challenge three claims; "forgoing steaks may be one of the most efficient ways to reduce your carbon footprint" - scientific evidence does not support this, changing the way we travel and source our energy has a much greater impact on reducing our carbon footprint. " .... agriculture generated 24% of GHG. According to the World Resources Institute, a research group, cars, trains, ships and planes produce a total of 16%" - comparing emissions in this way is extremely misleading as they are not like for like. Finally, the article fails to highlight to readers that coal production has no environmental benefit, whilst extensive beef production such as the type we have in the UK, provides substantial environmental benefits to the landscape, supporting biodiversity, conservation of native species and more. The Economist did not respond.
Country Living claimed plant-based sausages are 10 times better for the planet than meat ones, AHDB contacted them for the evidence behind this claim in which they did not respond.
December 2022
AHDB contacted Compassion In World Farming to highlight a misleading statement in a recent press release. AHDB outlined the issues around direct comparisons of livestock emissions and transport emissions, as supported by the FAO. Despite a response, the CIWF did not amend its wording and the situation falls outside the ASA and IPSO jurisdiction.
October 2022
BBC Radio 4 programme All Consuming covered plant-based meats, presenting an array of opinions towards the trend for meat-free alternatives. AHDB raised its concerns with the programme over lack of impartiality and challenge to a contributors comment "intensive livestock farming is inhumane and bad for the environment". The programme editor was fully responsive and cooperative to AHDB's comments and agreed the contributors comment should be removed, however, they explained that in a programme about plant-based products, it was not necessary to also explore the views of those involved in livestock farming.
September 2022
AHDB's Divisional Director of Engagement Will Jackson spoke on BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester to outline the impact of dairy protests by vegan activist group Animal Rebellion.
August 2022
AHDB responded to the University of Oxford’s study ‘Estimating the environmental impacts of 57,000 food products’.
July 2022
AHDB made a complaint to the ASA over apparent lack of evidence to support claims on the reduced environmental impact of Bird's Eye plant-based meat products, the ASA concluded the claims could be substantiated.
AHDB wrote to The Lancet to raise concerns over the data used within its 2019 Global Burden of Disease study, an annual analysis of global health risks commonly used to shape government health policy. Academics have raised their concerns with the data, to which The Lancet has failed take action in response.
We are aware a group of highly respected health and nutrition academics asked to understand why the study showed a 36-fold increase in global deaths attributed to eating red meat, compared to the previous set of data released in 2017… we would like to ask you to share with us the method used to make these calculations and the data which underpins it. …Given that the authors of the study have acknowledged its shortcomings and have committed to publishing an updated version, I am surprised and concerned that The Lancet still has the old misleading study published on its website. - Tim Rycroft, AHDB CEO
May 2022
During Vegetarian Week, The Vegetarian Society UK provided free assets on its website which AHDB felt were misleading as meat production is not the leading cause of climate change, and climate change is not the leading cause of species decline for any of the animals mentioned. However, it was advised by the ASA that the material fell outside its jurisdiction.
AHDB made a complaint to the ASA over misleading claims made in Vegan Friendly's 'Hell of a steak' advert on water usage and overstating the impact going vegan has on reducing personal environmental impact. The ASA concluded that the advert fell outside its jurisdiction as it wasn't paid-for advertising, but did contact Vegan friendly to advise.
February 2022
AHDB made a complaint to the ASA against Viva’s ‘Take away the meat’ advert for misleading viewers on UK slaughter practices, causing harm and offence, and promoting violence or crime. The advert received over 400 complaints in all; however the ASA felt it did not breach any of its codes and that viewers would understand the controversial ad was from a vegan pressure group promoting a vegan diet.
Following Oxford County Council's proposal to make all public catering plant-based, AHDB responded with an open letter to highlight the environmental impact of British livestock farming and its role within a healthy diet.
Head of Environment Dr Jonathan Foot spoke of BBC Radio 4's PM programme (no longer online) about how British livestock farming is becoming more sustainable.
AHDB responded to a new study from the CEO of Impossible Foods which claims eliminating livestock agriculture would reduce global emissions by 68%. Coverage in The Mail Online and inews.
January 2022
AHDB contacted the BBC about its article 'The people moving from high to low carbon careers' in which global figures about the carbon footprint of the global dairy industry and claims about the impact of a vegan diet were made. Changes were made by the BBC to bring UK data and context to the carbon emissions of dairy farming, as well as the evidence around the real impact of going vegan.
November 2021
Head of Environment Dr Jonathan Foot spoke at COP26, highlighting the absence of reliable and comparable data within carbon reduction reporting. As well as the need across all industries and sectors for standardised reporting to be able to measure any progress towards Net Zero targets.
Featuring AHDB’s strategic farmer David Barton, AHDB worked with Channel 4’s Food Unwrapped team on its COP26 special to ensure accuracy and provide further information.
AHDB contacted the BBC to highlight that greenhouse gas emissions cited in its latest climate article were global and not UK based, the article was amended.
October 2021
AHDB made a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority regarding two Meatless Farm adverts. The adverts did not make approved health claims as required under ASA codes and, following a review, the ASA agreed and asked Meatless Farm to remove all uses of the adverts.
September 2021
In response to an article in The Times, AHDB, Dairy UK, and the NFU wrote an open letter to outline the inaccuracies in the article on the use of antibiotics in UK livestock, as well as highlighting the sustainability credentials of the UK dairy industry.
AHDB wrote to the Daily Express following the article ‘Would you put these milks in your tea?’, to highlight that British milk is among the most sustainable in the world.
August 2021
Following the release of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, AHDB lined up Professor Liam Sinclair from Harper Adams University to speak on Farming Today about his research on how feed additives can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cattle.
AHDB challenged a number of claims within The Independent's ‘4 ways going vegan can help the planet’, highlighting inaccuracies in wording and comparisons. As a result, The Independent amended wording to reflect the scientific evidence accurately.
July 2021
After the BBC reported on meat production shortages and quoted The Vegan Society, which made claims about meat and livestock reduction, AHDB emailed the BBC to ask the relevance of the contribution. AHDB was invited to put forward a statement and any additional information to bring balance and context.
AHDB responded to the National Food Strategy.
June 2021
Head of Environment Dr Jonathan Foot spoke at the Westminster Forum to outline how the UK’s agriculture sector can help deliver the changes required to land use (as set out by the UKCCC) and reach the Government’s target of net-zero emissions by 2050.
April 2021
Blue Peter retracted its ‘go meat free’ pledge as part of its ‘climate heroes’ campaign, following an open letter from AHDB, HCC and QMS calling out its flawed science and lack of balance, and the BBC’s failure in its role to educate and be impartial.
February 2021
AHDB contacted Quorn following the launch of its social media campaign which featured videos from well-known footballers. In the videos, the claim “livestock emit more carbon than transport” was made, which is incorrect. Quorn agreed to stop using the videos and corrected claims on its website.
January 2021
AHDB challenged two claims made on Oatly’s website: what we eat has the biggest impact on the planet, and livestock emit more carbon than transport. After correspondence with Oatly, both claims were changed to reflect the facts, that scientific evidence shows other lifestyle factors have a much greater impact on the planet than diet, and like-for-like comparison shows livestock do not emit more carbon than transport. Following 109 complaints, the ASA ruled these adverts were misleading.
A formal complaint was made by AHDB to the Advertising Standards Authority against a Surge Activism campaign, claiming that going vegan is the single biggest way to reduce your impact on earth. As scientific evidence shows, other lifestyle factors have a much greater impact on the planet than diet; the advert is no longer to be used.
Further information
If you see something you’d like our team to investigate, please email it to adcheck@ahdb.org.uk with as much information on when and where you came across it.
If you’d like to learn more about AHDB’s work to challenge misinformation, you can read AHDB’s Head of Media and PR, Phil Maiden’s blog.