Shape the future
Delivering the future of farming
AHDB’s Delivering the future of farming event took place on Thursday 10 November 2022, where we launched our four new sector plans.
The event had four sector-specific sessions. You can catch up with them all here.
To help you find the relevant session, the times they appear in the recording are below.
Sector session chapters:
0:00 Introduction
30:11 Cereals & Oilseeds
2:28:57 Dairy
4:27:54 Beef & Lamb
6:27:53 Pork
Shape the future results
In April and May 2022, thousands of levy payers had a say on what work we should do on their behalf for the first time. The response was overwhelmingly positive. This was the first step in delivering our promise to put levy payers at the heart of everything we do.
Key vote outcomes (announced in June 2022)
- 42% of registered levy payers had their say on the priorities for the sector and the importance of the work we should do to support these (total of 4,478 levy payers out of 10,537 registered)
- Average scores range between 2.3 out of 5 and 4.8 out of 5 (where 5 is the most important) with only 3 average scores across 70 questions scoring below 3
- Similar scores across weighted (reflecting size of business) and unweighted (one levy payer, one vote) results with some small exceptions in the pork results
- All sector council members (new members and those in their second term) were ratified by receiving over 50% of the votes
Following the Shape the future consultation, sector council members met throughout summer and autumn to make funding decisions for the next five years of work we deliver for levy payers, based on the feedback from the vote. The resulting sector plans were launched on 10 November 2022.
Shape the Future questions explained
What do I get for my levy?
Find out more about how your levy is invested and how it makes a difference to your business and the industry.
Our sectors
In addition to our cross-sector projects, we also focus on a large number of sector-specific priorities. Learn more about the work we do for your business by following the links below.