Promar Milkminder dairy costings

Updated 22 January 2025

This data is supplied on a national basis by Promar International, through its Milkminder dairy management tool. It looks at monthly averages on a national basis, annual rolling averages, as well as feed costs and margins over purchased feed (MOPF).

Monthly averages Units Nov-24 Nov-23 Change % Change
Stock Cows in herd head 220 218 2 0.8%
Cows in milk head 191 187 4 2.2%
% Cows in milk % 86.92 85.78 1.14  
Milk production and prices Total milk produced litres 156,176 149,120 7,055 4.7%
Yield per cow in milk litres/day 27.27 26.60 0.67 2.5%
Yield from grazed forage litres/day     na na
Yield from all forage litres/day 5.42 5.56 -0.14 -2.5%
Milk price ppl 45.92 37.92 8.00 21.1%
Feed Total milk value £ 71,718 56,543 15,175 26.8%
Concentrate use kg/litre 0.39 0.39 0.00 0.2%
Concentrate price £/tonne 295 323 -28 -8.7%
Feed cost ppl 11.99 12.99 -1.01 -7.7%
Margins Margin over purchased feed ppl 33.94 24.93 9.01 36.1%
Margin over purchased feed £/cow 241 171 71 41.4%

Additional information

While the sample size for this data is relatively large, please bear in mind that it does not necessarily reflect the trends and performance of UK dairy herds. Retrospective adjustments to the data may also occur.

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Promar Milkminder dairy costings

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