UK export prices
This survey helps identify how competitive domestic surplus grain is in export markets and the likelihood of trade occurring. The prices reported should be used as an indicator of pricing trends.
AHDB have been unable to publish average UK export prices since March 2024 as there have been insufficient quotes to meet our quality assurance criteria and publication thresholds. This is due to current market conditions seeing the UK focus on importing grain to satisfy demand with minimal exports.
Following an internal review, AHDB have decided to pause this survey as these market conditions look to continue. This position will be re-evaluated in June 2025.
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Additional information
Prices are quoted as "Free on Board" which means they show the cost of grain and loading. Each week on a Tuesday, the Tuesday spot prices are published for the current month, plus a selection of forward months. In instances where there are less than 7 days remaining in the current month, the following month is collected. The prices reported should be used as an indicator of pricing trends.
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This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team please visit the Data and Analysis team page.
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