GB deadweight sheep prices
This survey collects prices from a sample of abattoirs across Great Britain and aims to provide an indicative price for deadweight prime sheep, classified on the EUROP grid and falling within the SQQ weight band. Please see the additional information below.
With effect from week ending 25 November 2023, AHDB introduced a change to deadweight sheep price reporting to help standardise dressing specifications across the survey.
Latest update
Please note in the graphs above there is a change in methodology from 25 November 2023. Old season lambs are shown from 1 January to the third Monday in May and new season lambs thereafter.
Additional information
The AHDB deadweight sheep price series is collected from a voluntary sample of abattoirs in Great Britain. The data is collected weekly and published every Wednesday for the previous week (Sunday to Saturday). Abattoirs submit the price, weight, fat class and conformation of all their prime sheep procured deadweight, regardless of scheme, breed or organic status. The prices shown are in pence per kilogram, excluding VAT and represent the average payable for the animal upon delivery to the abattoir, before deductions (e.g. procurement, transport, insurance, inspection, levy).
It is important to consider that the abattoirs contributing to the survey use a range of dressing specifications. From week ending 25 November 2023, the survey applies adjustments to the weight and price to help standardise the dressing specifications to report a price based on kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF) and diaphragm skirt removed. More detail on this methodology change can be found here.
We recommend caution when making historical comparisons following this methodology change.
Prime sheep are reported as new season lambs (male and female clean sheep from this year’s crop) or old season lambs (male and female clean sheep from last year’s crop) sometimes referred to as hoggs or hoggets. The price graph above shows old season lambs from 1 January to the third Monday in May and new season lambs thereafter.
The Standard Quality Quotation is a GB industry standard weight band for the carcase of dressed prime sheep weighing between 12 kg and 21.5 kg.
Please note that there was a change in sample size from week ending 1 September 2018, 10 October 2020 and 20 August 2022 and 13 July 2024.
The deadweight sheep price series is designed to provide an indicative price paid by a sample of abattoirs. They are not designed to be used as a base for future contract prices. The decision of how to arrive at the price to pay for a sheep is entirely a matter between the producer and the abattoir.
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Contact us
This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. If you need further help, please email Dawn, Lydia or Sue at
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