UK human and industrial cereal usage

Updated 06 February 2025
This information shows the use of cereals by flour millers, brewers maltsters and distillers (monthly) and oat millers (quarterly) in the UK. It is used to produce the UK cereals supply and demand estimates.

Latest update

Due to rounding, totals may not agree with the sum of the individual items. (1) Including starch and bioethanol; (2) % change relates to the same period in the previous year; (3) As at end-Dec 2024. 

*Please note there are 53 weeks in the statistical year 2024. In order to incorporate the change January 24 was increased to a 5 week period compared to 4 weeks in 2023. Please take this into consideration when comparing datasets.

Additional information

More information on this data series

2025 Statistical Calendar

Cereal usage data collection and quality assurance processes

Next update scheduled for 6th March 2025

Contact us

This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, visit the Data and Analysis team page.

For further infomation please contact the AHDB Arable Team at

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UK Flour Millers cereal usage

UK Brewers, Maltsters and Distillers cereal usage

UK Oat Millers cereal usage

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