
We have a broad range of tools to help with everything from benchmarking costs to choosing the perfect varieties of cereals for your farm. Take a look at the list below and keep checking back, as we add new tools regularly.

Farmbench tool


Farmbench helps you to understand and compare your full costs of production at both enterprise and whole-farm level.

Machinery Costing Calculator tool



Calculate the cost of farm machinery, per hectare or per hour, with this simple calculator.

Cereals and Oilseeds

Recommended Lists (RL) app

Recommended Lists (RL) app

Cereals and oilseeds variety data delivered to your fingertips.

A cracked soil profile on a sheet

Soil health scorecard

Create an at-a-glance snapshot of soil health.

Mycotoxin rainfall risk tool

Mycotoxin rainfall risk tool

Calculate rainfall-related mycotoxin risk assessment scores automatically with this tool

BYDV management tool

BYDV management tool

Time your cereals insecticide sprays for aphid/BYDV control with greater accuracy.

Excess rainfall diagram

Excess winter rainfall tool

How to use excess winter rainfall data to plan nitrogen applications.

Phoma leaf spot forecast

Phoma leaf spot forecast

Temperature and rainfall information is used to simulate disease development.

Sclerotinia closeup

Sclerotinia infection risk tool

See the extent of risk of Sclerotinia infection of oilseed rape crops in your area.

Ploughing oilseed rape stubble

Establishment approach assessment tool

Indicates where a change in management approach might be beneficial.

Seed rate conversion

Seed rate conversion tool

Calculate the kg/ha of cereal seed you require based on seed rate and the thousand grain weight.

Wheat varieties

Variety selection tool

Navigate AHDB Recommended Lists trial data and identify varieties your unique situation.

A man filling a seed drill at the Cereals 2017 event.

Variety blend tool for winter wheat

Use this tool to select three-way or four-way mixes for on-farm testing.

Fertiliser applications to a cereal crop tool

Nitrogen fertiliser adjustment calculator

Use this tool to establish the economic optimum amount of nitrogen to apply to cereal and/or oilseed crops.

AHDB crop net margin sensitivity analysis tool

Crop net margin sensitivity analysis tool

Check how your crop net margins could be impacted by different crop yields and prices

RL interactive tool

This is an interactive version of the tables published as part of the RL. Use it to identify varieties that meet your specific market, yield, disease resistance, agronomic and quality requirements. 

Beef, Lamb, Dairy and Pork

cow and sheep in field

Beef and sheep cash flow template

This comprehensive spreadsheet will help you to manage your money.

cows in field

Dairy Antimicrobial Usage (AMU) Calculator

A calculator to evaluate antibiotic use across your farm and identify areas for potential reduction.

pigs feeding

Electronic medicine book for pigs

The electronic medicine book for pigs (eMB-Pigs) enabling the industry to record more accurate on-farm antibiotic usage data.  

AHDB Beef & Lamb Blend Calculator (Version 2012:02). A simple calculator to enable users to calculat

Livestock feed blend calculator

This simple tool helps you calculate the cost, energy and protein density of home blends.

man pointing at paper

Medicine Hub

A multi-species data hub for dairy, beef and lamb producers to collate, report and compare their medicine use:

cows in milking parlour

Milk forecasting calculator

Understand how changes to herd size, yields or calving patterns affect your milk production.

jug of milk with glass of milk

Milk price calculator

Input farm-specific data and see where changes can be made to improve the milk price on your current contract.

cows grazing in field

Recommended Grass and Clover Lists

Explore the varieties on the Recommended Grass and Clover lists for England and Wales, looking at attributes such as yield, persistency, quality and disease resistance.

There is also a Handbook available in our knowledge library.

man in gloves with blue cannister

Semen usage calculator

By selectively using sexed semen to breed replacement heifers from your best cows, you can reduce rearing costs by only rearing the heifers you need.

sheep in field

Sheep antimicrobial usage tool

This calculator is designed to provide an estimation of antimicrobial usage.

small lake of water

Slurry Wizard

Work out slurry storage requirements, explore options and comply with regulations.

a herd of sheep in a pasture

Virtual beef and lamb programmes

See a computer-generated animal change conformation and fat class from every angle.

Tractor spreading fertiliser on grassland

Cost benefit calculator for nitrogen fertiliser use on grassland

Use this tool to work out the cost versus the benefit of applying nitrogen fertiliser to grassland.

cows stood in field behind fence

Including beef cattle in an arable rotation - Costings calculator

This calculator will take you through the various costs that need to be considered from fencing infrastructure to establishing a ley and rearing cattle. You can also estimate the potential margin from the cattle.

A cracked soil profile on a sheet

Soil health scorecard

Create an at-a-glance snapshot of soil health.

Potatoes and Horticulture

For access to archived tools relevant to horticulture and potato crops, please visit the AHDB Horticulture and Potatoes Archive.
