Retail and consumer insight

Understanding the consumer

We want the UK food supply chain, from farm to fork, to understand the needs of modern food consumers and that their attitudes toward cooking, buying and eating are important considerations for the whole supply chain.

This means we want you as farmers, growers, retailers and processors to be as well informed about consumer behaviours and retail trends as possible, so we can create a world-class domestic and export food industry.

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Recent Consumer Demand Analysis

Research reports

See all reports


84% of stakeholders we have presented to said they definitely will or potentially will make a change following our insights

81% of attendees at our webinars say they will potentially make changes to their business as a result of what they heard

The insights allows us to focus on the key opportunities to drive category and retailer growth 

Beef processor

The insights will be used to inform and support consumer work on dairy and sustainability, which is a key strategic area for us  

Dairy trade association

We will be using this information to share with customers and internally to educate and influence change

Pork processor

The Team

Image of staff member Steven Evans

Steven Evans

Lead Consumer Insight Manager

See full bio

Image of staff member Kim Heath

Kim Heath

Lead Retail Insight Manager

See full bio

Image of staff member Grace Randall

Grace Randall

Lead Retail Insight Manager

See full bio

Image of staff member Vanessa Adamson

Vanessa Adamson

Retail and Consumer Insight Manager

See full bio

Image of staff member Emma Wantling

Emma Wantling

Retail and Consumer Insight Manager

See full bio

Image of staff member Charlotte Forkes-Rees

Charlotte Forkes-Rees

Retail and Consumer Insight Analyst

See full bio

Image of staff member Hannah McLoughlin

Hannah McLoughlin

Trainee Analyst

See full bio

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