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EU farmgate milk prices (incl. organic)
Updated 28 January 2025
The EU farmgate milk prices are the average prices paid to farmers in the in the EU on a euro per 100kg basis, converted to a sterling pence per litre. The standard litre price for organic milk is also available for selected EU Member States. These figures are updated every month.
EU farmgate milk prices
EU (ex UK) pence per litre (ppl) | EU (ex UK) euros/100kg | |
Nov-24 | 45.80 | 53.35 |
Oct-24 | 44.38 | 51.62 |
Change on month | 1.42 | 1.73 |
% change on month | 3.20% | 3.35% |
Nov-23 | 40.75 | 45.46 |
Change on year | 5.06 | 7.89 |
% change on year | 12.41% | 17.36% |
Source: Milk Market Observatory
EU organic farmgate milk prices

Additional information
Farmgate milk prices
- All prices have been converted into pence per litre using the average exchange rate in the month
Organic farmgate milk prices
- Organic farmgate price data is very limited, with no data available for the UK. Standard litre prices are available for France, Germany and Austria. Limited historic Belgium data is also listed but data has not been available since July 2019.
- The standard litre quoted for France is different to the standard litre for the other countries.
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This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team.
If you need any further help, email Martin, Dorian, Gavin or Esther at datum@ahdb.org.uk
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