Fungicide performance in cereals and oilseed rape

Our fungicide performance work provides high-quality, independent information on the relative efficacy of fungicides against key diseases in wheat, barley and oilseed rape.

Why is fungicide efficacy data important?

Knowledge of the potential power of an active ingredient (or product) is essential in disease management. First and foremost, it will help you gauge the potential return on your spray investments. Critically, it can be used to develop effective fungicide programmes that balance the need to control disease with the need to protect chemistry from fungicide resistance.

Download the latest data

Data released at the Agronomy Conference on 11 December 2024.

Download the 2024 fungicide performance results (all data PDF)

*For key charts, visit the disease target web pages (via the links below). These pages feature multi-year and multi-site data, which provide the best indication of efficacy. For all the latest results, such as single year charts, download the all-data PDF (via the link above).

December fungicide performance data includes new options for cereals (Dec 2024 news)

NEW: Data for a recently authorised cereal product (Plaxium)

Data released 28 January 2025.

  • Plaxium is now approved for use in Great Britain
  • It is from Bayer CropScience Limited
  • The cereal fungicide is a three-way formulation: two SDHIs and a DMI (azole)
  • It has been tested under code in wheat and barley fungicide performance trials
  • It showed useful broad-spectrum efficacy (against several major cereal diseases)

See how Plaxium compares to other fungicides (download the dose-response curves)

Fungicide performance data for new cereal product (Plaxium) released (Jan 2025 news)

Check the HSE plant protection product database for authorisation statuses

Watch the Agronomy Conference 2024

Find out about the Agronomy Conference

Fungicide performance for oilseed rape

Latest fungicide performance data for oilseed rape (key charts)*

Oilseed rape fungicide performance data 2024 (video)

Latest reports for phoma and light leaf spot

Current disease targets

  • Light leaf spot
  • Phoma leaf spot and stem canker
  • Sclerotinia (historic data)

How to use fungicide performance information

Integrated pest management (IPM) is at the heart of disease management. A well-designed rotation (to minimise disease pressure) and an appropriate variety (to resist the main diseases present) will lay a solid foundation and reduce the requirement for chemistry.

Where sprays are necessary, our efficacy results can be used to help build fungicide programmes – based on mixtures of active ingredients and products – appropriate to the local disease-threat profile and in keeping with best practice anti-resistance guidelines.

The trials are located in areas most likely to produce high pressure for the target disease(s). We use varieties that are highly susceptible to the target disease(s).

Dose-response curves

  • Generally, when more fungicide is applied, less disease will be present in a crop
  • The visible disease present at a range of doses can be shown on dose-response curves in a graph
  • Curves are published for ‘protectant’ and ‘eradicant’ situations, where applicable
  • If you are interested in the details behind the trials, including our research partners and historic data, visit our guide to fungicide performance page

Guide to fungicide performance (and data archive)

The data archive includes annual fungicide performance data since 2008.

Fungicide performance information has been generated as part of this trial series for many years:

  • Wheat since 1994
  • Barley since 2002
  • Oilseed rape since 2006

Wheat and barley disease management

Fungicide programmes for cereals

Oilseed rape disease management

Fungicide resistance management guidance
