Fungicide performance dose-response curves for rusts and fusarium in winter wheat

Our fungicide performance trials provide independent information on the relative efficacy of fungicides against yellow rust, brown rust and fusarium in winter wheat. This page features the latest disease and yield dose-response curves.


Data from our fungicide performance trials is used to plot dose-response curves. The charts show the average performance of fungicide products (disease and yield responses) across sites, seasons and leaf layers.

Curves that fit the data points well and have clear separation are most likely to reflect real differences (in terms of field performance).

To maximise differences between treatments, the trials use:

  • High-risk locations
  • Highly susceptible varieties
  • One spray timing


It is not possible to test all products in fungicide performance trials. The products are carefully selected to:

  • Provide the most relevant results
  • Give equal opportunity for agrochemical companies to include products in trials
  • Put emphasis on testing pre-registration or new active ingredients*
  • Include standard products for which there is good understanding of performance (to aid comparisons)

*Only authorised plant protection products feature in the dose-response curves.

Product list

Products are grouped by mixtures or straights (and further grouped by mode of action).

Refer to the curves in each chart for information on the specific products tested.


  • Ascra Xpro – bixafen + fluopyram + prothioconazole: An SDHI + SDHI + DMI/azole
  • Ipresso [NEW]   – isoflucypram + prothioconazole: An SDHI + DMI/azole
  • Revystar XE – fluxapyroxad + mefentrifluconazole:  An SDHI + DMI/azole
  • Univoq  – fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole: A QII + DMI/azole


  • Elatus Plus – benzovindiflupyr (solatenol): An SDHI
  • Miravis Plus – pydiflumetofen (adepidyn): An SDHI
  • Vimoy – isoflucypram (iblon): An SDHI
  • Myresa – mefentrifluconazole (revysol): a DMI/azole
  • Proline 275* – prothioconazole: a DMI/azole
  • Toledo  – tebuconazole: a DMI/azole
  • Peqtiga – fenpicoxamid (inatreq): a QII

Further information

  • Check product labels prior to use
  • Use straights in mixtures with at least one other fungicide with an alternative mode of action that has efficacy against the target disease
  • The full label rate of Miravis Plus for fusarium control is 3.2 l/ha
  • A further six unregistered wheat products were tested in 2024 (data will be released upon registration)

Check the HSE plant protection product database for authorisation statuses

Fungicide performance data for new cereal product (Plaxium) released (Jan 2025 news)

Dose-response curves

Note: For the cereal trials, the doses are quarter, half, full and double the recommended label rate (the latter improves the ‘fit’ of curves, but these results are not published online).

A selection of the key charts are shown below.

Access the full fungicide performance results

Yellow rust

Disease response

Combined results for 2022–24 (3 trials).

Yield response

Combined results for 2022–24 (3 trials).

Brown rust

Disease response

Combined results for 2022–24 (3 trials).

Products marked with an * are mixtures containing more than one active ingredient.

Head blight

Disease response

Combined results for 2022–24 (3 trials).

*Full label rate of Miravis Plus for fusarium head blight control is 3.2 l/ha. 



  • The most recent trial year (2023–24) was wet during autumn, winter and spring, with a mild winter (with few frosts), resulting in high levels of brown rust (and septoria tritici) in the trials
  • Good yellow rust control from azoles and SDHIs tested, but mixtures Ascra Xpro (bixafen + fluopyram + prothioconazole), Ipresso, Revystar XE (fluxapyroxad + mefentrifluconazole) and Univoq have been more effective
  • For brown rust, Imtrex (fluxapyroxad) gave highest level of control. Ipresso, Vimoy and Myresa were also effective
  • Mixtures offer more robust disease control and yields than straight fungicides
  • Use a combination of fungicide mode of action groups to reduce the risk of resistance development

All fungicide performance results

The full fungicide performance results cover all target diseases for wheat, barley and oilseed rape.

The charts on this web page show the average performance of fungicide products over multiple seasons.

The full results also include single-year data.

The latest results are released in December at the annual AHDB Agronomy Conference. These are available, alongside the presentation slides and video, from the fungicide performance home page.


