Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

UK 2018/19 ending stocks of wheat are up 11% from last season at 1,911Kt, the highest since 2015/16, according to the AHDB/Defra end-season balance sheet.

14 December 2023

We have seen domestic wheat prices trade within an £0.85/t channel over the last eight days. However, shifts in financial markets and politics have pushed the Nov-19 wheat price higher. We look at why.

13 July 2021

Saudi attack causes price spikes and ex-farm barley sales crash in November.

13 July 2021

This year the UK will be a net importer of rapeseed

13 July 2021

Oilseed rape prices, both EU futures and UK physical have seen some significant growth on the back of supply woes over the past couple of months.

13 July 2021

Prospects for Australian wheat production deteriorate

13 July 2021

Brexit, Forex and Supply, where are UK futures?

13 July 2021

The UK wheat harvest is now nearing completion, if yields continue in line with current estimates we tentatively forecast production of wheat at 15.9-16.2Mt. In a “normal” year the surplus wheat would find an export home primarily in the EU. However, this year is far from “normal”.

13 July 2021

The only Brexit certainty is uncertainty

13 July 2021

After a period of strengthening, sterling has taken a downwards turn and is once again on a weakening streak.

13 July 2021

The good weather over the past week has allowed for swift progress to be made with the GB wheat harvest.

13 July 2021

With just 65 days until the UK leaves the European Union, the direction of sterling continues to drive the direction of UK grain and oilseed futures.
