Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

26 July 2024

On 14 May, the second Farm to Fork Summit was held at Downing Street and the first UK Food Security Index was published.

25 July 2024

Results show that 65% of arable farm businesses in England surveyed did not reduce their cropped arable area for harvest 2024 with SFI options.

24 July 2024

Due to ongoing extreme weather, yield forecasts for most crops have been reduced, continuing a trend seen in recent months.

23 July 2024

Earlier this month, GB animal feed production data up to the end of May was published. The data showed that this season to date (Jul-May), total feed production (incl. Integrated Poultry Units (IPU)) was up 1.5% on the year, reaching 12.2 Mt.

19 July 2024

Winter barley yields and quality so far are said to be disappointing in top European producers France and Germany.

18 July 2024

An independent review of assurance schemes has been jointly commissioned by AHDB and the National Farmers' Union, along with NFU Cymru, The Ulster Farmers' Union and NFU Scotland.

17 July 2024

Over the last week prices have generally trended down, largely due to harvest pressure in the northern hemisphere, as well as an increased global wheat supply estimate made by the USDA on Friday.

16 July 2024

Harvest 2025 gross margins show that wheat looks to be the most favourable option for autumn drilling, weather allowing.

12 July 2024

Applications for the expanded offer of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) are due to open on 22 July 2024. We calculated the likely effect on arable farm profit levels of stacking SFI actions over a three-year period.

24 July 2024

The La Niña weather situation often leads to major changes in global weather patterns, affecting grain and oilseed production and so prices.

10 July 2024

Last Friday (05 July), Paris rapeseed futures (Nov-24 and May-25) closed at highs not seen since November 2022.

11 July 2024

Speculative traders are once again hold net-short positions, which can be used to profit from falling prices, across most key grain and oilseed futures markets.
