Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

As October is fast drawing to an end, and what is a very uncertain November fast approaching, ex-farm sales of wheat and barley for next month have remained minimal.

13 July 2021

The cuts to US maize production in yesterday’s WASDE release were not as great as average trade expectations.

13 July 2021

Defra’s provisional production estimates for winter and spring barley at 8.180Mt were higher than market expectations.

13 July 2021

EU imports of rapeseed have hit record levels this season as the continent tries to meet its import requirements.

13 July 2021

Wheat production at 16.283Mt has come as little surprise given the yields recorded and crop prospects. Yet this does cement the export requirement and ongoing need for UK markets to be globally competitive for the foreseeable future.

13 July 2021

Although the UK is facing a greater supply, domestic demand so far in 2019/20 has reduced

13 July 2021

On Tuesday we published the second provisional results of the Cereal Quality Survey. The results are now beginning to reflect some of the challenges facing the industry with this year’s wheat crop.

13 July 2021

There has been some recent support in global grain markets based on weather and also a bullish stocks report released by the USDA on Monday.

13 July 2021

The underlying oilseed complex has been showing signs of support, allowing further upward potential for rapeseed markets.

13 July 2021

DEFRA released the final June Survey figures yesterday covering English agricultural plantings for 2019. These figures correlate to AHDB’s Planting and Variety survey areas, released in early July.

13 July 2021

UK feed wheat futures (Nov-19) eased slightly to close at £135.75/t, a fall of £0.50/t from yesterday.

13 July 2021

Physical delivered oilseed rape prices for November delivery into Erith have been on an upward trend from March to August.
