Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

HMRC export data, released yesterday, states 341.0Kt of barley was exported from the UK in the month of September alone.

13 July 2021

This afternoon (17.00) the USDA will release its latest supply and demand estimates. The report will be watched closely for its assessment of US and southern hemisphere crops. Significant weather challenges have led to delays for northern hemisphere harvesting (and new crop planting) and driven concerns over conditions of South American crops.

13 July 2021

The EU is forecast to import 6.0Mt of rapeseed this season. So far this season, EU imports of rapeseed to 03 November have totalled 2.68Mt.

13 July 2021

Further mixed messages for global grain markets were released in yesterday’s USDA crop progress report, with additional supportive factors for the current crop year, but a somewhat bearish tone for new crop wheat.

13 July 2021

Looking into next year, global wheat futures for harvest 2020 will help to provide insight into the potential route wheat prices may take over the next twelve months.

13 July 2021

Since last Monday (21 October) Paris rapeseed futures (May-20) have generally followed an upward trend, gaining €5.25/t, to close yesterday at €379.75/t. The recent rise has been driven by support in other vegetable oil markets.

13 July 2021

Delayed and disrupted winter wheat planting has heightened concerns for the 2020/21 harvest and moved UK feed wheat futures higher, up £6.05/t over the last week.

13 July 2021

In yesterday’s market commentary we briefly touched upon the spread between May-19 and Nov-20 UK feed wheat futures. At yesterday’s close the spread had widened further to £10.00/t, comfortably the largest gap between November and May contracts for this time of year over the past 10 years.

13 July 2021

UK feed wheat futures (Nov-19) increased £0.30/t from Monday to close yesterday at £135.40/t. At 11.30am Nov-19 futures were up £1.60/t at £137.00/t.

13 July 2021

Oilseed rape prices have come under increasing pressure throughout October. Yet with the fundamentals for a tight supply and demand outlook, why have domestic prices (delivered Erith) fallen by £17.50/t during October

13 July 2021

A forecast of Australian wheat production from National Australia Bank limited has pegged output at 15.5Mt, the latest forecast is 4.5Mt below the bank’s forecast from last month, and 2.5Mt below the latest USDA estimate.

13 July 2021

The latest USDA crop progress report was released yesterday. US maize harvest progress was slower than pre-report market polls anticipated.
