The AHDB Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) publications and resources provide information on yield and quality performance, agronomic features and market options to assist with variety selection.

The RL 2025/26 includes several eye-catching additions that will have wide appeal, as well as new varieties that target regional and niche situations (released 2 December 2024).

Read the RL 2025/26 news release


Download the RL 2025/26 booklet

Online tables

View the latest online tables on the crop-specific pages, which also feature the latest harvest results.

Winter wheat

Spring wheat

Winter barley

Spring barley

Winter oats

Spring oats

Winter oilseed rape

Other crops (descriptive lists)

Variety highlights

Variety-specific comments (all varieties)

Do you grow oilseeds?

Hunt continues for oilseeds grower to join the RL team

RL winter wheat on trial

Discover how we grow one of the UK’s most complex winter wheat crops, from deciding which varieties to sow to recommendation decisions.

RL winter wheat on trial

RL app

Adding value to the online tables and booklet, our RL app provides a powerful and pint-sized way to deliver variety data to your fingertips.

Recommended Lists app

Variety selection tool

Use the variety selection tool to navigate RL trial data, make comparisons and identify the most promising varieties for your unique situation.

Use the tool

RL review

Find out about the RL review and how it will help to improve the variety trialling project.

RL review home page

RL interactive tool

This is an interactive version of the tables published as part of the Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL). Use it to identify varieties that meet your specific market, yield, disease resistance, agronomic and quality requirements.

Please sign in before using the tool.

Use the new interactive tool

Understanding and using the RL

What are the types of list? What does ‘scope of recommendation’ mean? How are yields and disease ratings calculated? Our 'using the RL' page answers these questions (and more) to help you get the most out of the lists.

Using the RL

RL project and protocols

Produced each year, the RL publications are based on the analysis of hundreds of UK trials conducted across several years. Explore our 'project and protocols' page for information on the trials and the decision-making process, including the reasons for adding and removing varieties from RL.

RL projects and protocols

Varieties and genetics research

Learn how AHDB supports pre-breeding research to help deliver novel and improved traits to the varieties of the future.

Varieties and genetics research for cereals and oilseeds

RL harvest results and commentary

Access the latest information from AHDB Recommended List trials, including sowing lists and harvest result data. Or sign up to harvest results – our e-newsletter sent out regularly during harvest.

Visit the harvest results page

RL strategy

We want the RL to feature varieties that help all businesses – from farmers to end users – maintain and improve the productivity and competitiveness of the UK grain supply chain. However, RL users are diverse, the production environment is changing, and the budget is limited. Find out how our five-year strategy aims to maintain the delivery of relevant, independent variety data.

Read the RL delivery strategy (2022–27)

Cereals & Oilseeds sector plan (2022–27)

RL news

Release dates

  • The RL 2025/26 tables were released online on 2 December 2024.
  • The booklet edition (PDF) was released on 13 January 2025.

RL partnership

The RL project is managed by a consortium of AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds, BSPBMAGB and UKFM. Funding for the trials and tests is provided by AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds but the production of the RL would be impossible without the contribution and support of the industry.

Find out about the RL board and committees
