Winter wheat recommended and candidate lists

The winter wheat recommended and candidate lists provide information on yield and quality performance and agronomic features to assist with variety selection. The page also provides information on varieties in Recommended Lists (RL) trials, trial sites and harvest results.

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Winter wheat highlights

Winter wheat recommended list

Winter wheat recommended list 2024/25 (pdf)

Winter wheat recommended list 2024/25 (xls)

Winter wheat candidate list

Winter wheat candidate list (harvest 2024)* (pdf)

Winter wheat candidate list (harvest 2024)* (xls)

Winter wheat not added to the recommended list

Winter wheat not added to the recommended list 2024/25** (pdf)

Winter wheat not added to the recommended list 2024/25** (xls)

*Updated 16 May 2024.

**Varieties grown in trials in 2023 but not added to the list.

Winter wheat harvest results

Winter wheat sowing list for harvest 2024 (pdf)

Winter wheat trial sites for harvest 2024 (pdf)

About the Harvest Results service

Winter wheat commentary

Commentary covers harvest 2023 trials. Commentary for the current year will be available after the initial harvest 2024 trials have been validated and published.

Winter wheat RL harvest results complete with both fungicide-treated and fungicide-untreated yields below average

All of the AHDB Recommended List fungicide-treated winter wheat trials have now reported and been verified.  Average yield of the control varieties has ranged from 7.99 t/ha on a site with thin stoney soils in Lincolnshire, through to 13.34 t/ha on a medium soil site in Suffolk. Overall however, average yields were down on the five-year average of 11.04 t/ha, at just 10.78 t/ha.

All of the valid fungicide-untreated trials have also reported, though four were rejected due to excessive variability in trial. The lowest yield was in Devon, with controls yielding 7.33 t/ha on average, through to 10.27 t/ha in a trial in Hampshire. The average yield of the controls in these trials is 8.65 t/ha, just below the five-year average of 8.77 t/ha.

There has been no further quality data added, with low Hagberg Falling Numbers and low protein levels being characteristic of not just the RL trials but commercial crops this year, though specific weight has not been affected by this poor summer weather, with values as expected.

Calculating yield results

Yields are represented as a percentage of the control varieties. In 2023 they are Skyfall, KWS Extase, KWS Barrel, LG Skyscraper and Gleam. The yield average from these varieties is represented as 100%.

2023 results

The Group 4 (hard) varieties have finished top on fungicide-treated yield, with Champion and SY Insitor both finishing on 106% of controls, with SY Insitor having had a very good year, 2% above its five-year average. Also above their five-year average are the third highest yielding varieties, newly recommended variety for the East and West Oxford (105%) and KWS Dawsum (104%), with Gleam and KWS Cranium on 103%. Other hard Group 4s have finished in line with their five-year average, except RGT Wolverine, which has finished on 100%, just above its five-year average.

In the soft Group 4s, newly recommended for the East and West variety LG Redwald ended highest yielding on 104%, though this is 2% below its five-year average. Newly recommended for the North variety KWS Zealum is the second highest yielding soft Group 4 variety, alongside RGT Bairstow on 102%. Skyscraper has had a disappointing year, finishing on 100%, 2% below its five-year average. The other soft Group 4s have also performed below their five-year average, with RGT Saki (97%) and Swallow (93%) especially disappointing.

The quality Group 3 wheats have all performed just below their five-year averages in 2023. KWS Guium, LG Prince, KWS Brium and RGT Rashid, along with newly recommended variety RGT Wilkinson, have all finished on 99%, with Merit on 98% and LG Astronomer, KWS Barrel and LG Illuminate all on 96%.

The Group 1 bread-milling varieties have had a better 2023, performing at or a little above their five-year average, probably reflecting the relatively low rust pressure this year.  KWS Zyatt is highest yielding on 99% with Skyfall above its five-year average on 98%. Crusoe and RGT Illustrious are both on 96% just above their five-year average, with Crusoe producing the highest average protein in this low protein year.

In the Group 2 varieties KWS Extase has finished highest yielding on 102%, above its five-year average, with the other group 2 varieties on their five-year averages, with newly recommended KWS Ultimatum second highest yielding on 101% with KWS Palladium on 100% and Mayflower on 97%.

In the fungicide-untreated trials the highest yielding variety for 2023 is the newly recommended hard Group 4 variety for the East and West, Oxford (117%) well above its five-year average, mirroring its good performance in the fungicide-treated trials. Second highest yielding is the Group 2 variety Mayflower (116%), with hard Group 4 varieties Champion (114%), and KWS Dawsum (113%) also yielding well in these trials, though KWS Dawsum is below its five-year average. The other Group 2 varieties have yielded a little below their five-year averages, with KWS Palladium on 113%, KWS Extase on 112% and KWS Ultimatum on 111%, though all are amongst the highest yielding varieties in these trials.

A number of varieties have performed well above their five-year averages in the fungicide-untreated trials, notably RGT Wolverine (99%), Skyfall (92%) and KWS Zyatt (95%) who’s weakness against yellow rust has not been such an issue this year. Equally some varieties have performed well below their five-year averages, notably RGT Saki (97%), LG Skyscraper (100%) LG Illuminate (100%) and LG Astronomer (103%).

Five-year averages

The 2023 results show yields based on one season. The five-year average is a better measure of variety performance over seasons. Despite the unusual conditions in 2023 these results largely reflect the current RL.

Highest yielding varieties in the fungicide-treated trials are the hard Group 4 variety Champion and newly recommended for the East and West soft Group 4 variety LG Redwald (106%). Just behind these is the hard Group 4 variety SY Insitor and newly recommended for the East and West hard Group 4 variety Oxford on 104%. KWS Dawsum and Gleam are on 103%. Newly recommended for the North soft Group 4 variety KWS Zealum is on 102%, along with soft Group 4 varieties RGT Bairstow and LG Skyscraper and hard Group 4 varieties KWS Cranium and Graham.

In the Group 3 quality wheats KWS Guium, newly recommended RGT Wilkinson, LG Prince and KWS Brium are all on 100%. KWS Extase and newly recommended KWS Ultimatum are highest yielding Group 2s (101%), with KWS Palladium on 100% and Mayflower on 97%. In the Group 1s KWS Zyatt is highest yielding (99%), with Skyfall second (96%).

In the fungicide-untreated trials KWS Extase remains highest yielding (117%) despite a poorer performance in 2023. KWS Dawsum is second highest yielding (115%), with Mayflower and KWS Palladium on 114%. Champion and KWS Ultimatum are on 113%, with Graham, LG Redwald and LG Typhoon on 112%. At the other end of the scale the low yielding varieties are those with well know weaknesses, Crusoe (94%), KWS Barrel (94%) RGT Wolverine (90%), KWS Zyatt, (89%) and Skyfall (83%) .

2023 Candidates

The five-year averages are the best measure for assessing the potential of the candidates over multiple seasons and suggest likely additions to this years RL, however data can only be shown for varieties that have completed National Listing.

In the fungicide-treated trials, the LG Beowulf (106%) and Bolinder (104%) are highest yielding hard feed candidates.   LG Beowulf is also doing well in the fungicide-untreated trials (115%), with Bolinder some way behind on 110%.  LG Redrum is just behind these on fungicide-treated yield (103%) and 111% in the fungicide-untreated trials. Soft Group 4 variety Blackstone is also on 103% in the fungicide-treated trials and is on 109% in the fungicide-untreated trials.

Potential bread-making varieties are KWS Dragum (102% treated, 108% untreated) and SY Cheer (97% treated, 106% untreated). Potential Group 3 varieties are Bamford, yielding very well, on 106% in the fungicide-treated and 115% in the fungicide-untreated. Almara is on 99% in the fungicide-treated trials (109% untreated), but has done better in northern trials. Meanwhile LG Arkle (102%) and LG Grendel (101%) seem too prone to lodging to get a recommendation.

Further information

Access the full trial results here

AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) trials test variety performance under optimum conditions. Care should be taken when making comparisons with commercial yields. Results from individual trial sites should not be used to make conclusions on variety performance. The RL publications are based on information from trials across the UK over several seasons. As more information becomes available from the current harvest, this will contribute to the over-trials averages – which comprise four years for oilseeds and five years for cereals. These averages provide better information for comparison between varieties. Performance variation is not the responsibility of AHDB. Since the focus is to test new varieties, not all RL varieties are presented. Yields for well-established varieties are published at

Early sown winter wheat RL trials deliver good yields in 2023

The full set of Recommended Lists (RL) Harvest Results for the early sown winter wheat trials (sowing date 25 August–25 September) has been published.

This sub-set of first wheat trials includes only varieties that breeders consider suitable for early drilling, plus controls. They are grown to the standard RL fungicide and PGR programme.

As early sowing has declined in Southern and Eastern England, largely in response to black-grass pressures, most trials have been moved northwards, where early sowing is still common in commercial practice. One trial has been retained in Cambridgeshire.

The average yield of the controls in 2023 is 11.80 t/ha, well above the five-year average (11.39 t/ha), with all but one low yielding trial in Midlothian above the five-year average.

Calculating yield results

Yields are represented as a percentage of the control varieties. The yield controls for the early sown series are the same as for the main trial series. The varieties for 2023 are Skyfall, KWS Extase, KWS Barrel, LG Skyscraper and Gleam. The yield average from these varieties is represented as 100%.

2023 results

The highest yielding varieties in the 2023 series are the hard Group 4 feed varieties Champion (109%) well ahead of the newly recommended variety for the East and West, Oxford (104%) and the newly recommended for the North soft Group 4 variety KWS Zealum (104%).  Just behind these on 103% are the hard group 4 varieties KWS Dawsum and Gleam.

In the quality milling wheats the two Group 2 varieties in these trials, KWS Extase and Mayflower are both on 101%, with the only Group 1 in the series, Skyfall, on 97%. Merit is the highest yielding of the Group 3 biscuit-making varieties on 101%, with newly recommended RGT Wilkinson and KWS Brium on 99%.

Five-year average

The five-year average is a better measure of variety performance over seasons, particularly given the small number of trials in this early sown series. Champion is again highest yielding (107%), with KWS Dawsum next highest yielding (106%) followed by newly recommended for the North, soft Group 4 variety KWS Zealum (105%) newly recommended variety for the East and West, Oxford (104%) and Gleam (103%). 

Group 3 biscuit-making variety LG Illuminate tops the milling wheats (101%), despite a poor 2023, alongside newly recommended RGT Wilkinson also on 101%. The two Group 2 bread-making varieties KWS Extase and Mayflower are also on 101%.

2023 Candidates

Judging the potential of the candidate varieties for early sowing yield is tricky as it is a small dataset. Therefore results should be treated with caution.

Hard Group 4 feed variety Bolinder shows promise in this early drilled slot with a yield of 108% of controls in the five-year averages, beating the best of the recommended varieties. Hard Group 4 feed variety LG Beowulf is on 104% and soft Group 4 feed variety Blackstone is on 103%.

The two candidate milling varieties in these trials are both biscuit-making varieties, Bamford (104%) and LG Grendel (103%). However, LG Grendel has shown high levels of lodging in the main trial series, so may not be suitable for this early drilling slot.

Further information

Access full trial results via the AHDB website:

AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) trials test variety performance under optimum conditions. Care should be taken when making comparisons with commercial yields. Results from individual trial sites should not be used to make conclusions on variety performance. The RL publications are based on information from trials across the UK over several seasons. As more information becomes available from the current harvest, this will contribute to the over-trials averages – which comprise four years for oilseeds and five years for cereals. These averages provide better information for comparison between varieties. Performance variation is not the responsibility of AHDB. Since the focus is to test new varieties, not all RL varieties are presented. Yields for well-established varieties are published at

Winter wheat variety comments

Winter wheat 2024/25


Winter wheat variety selection tool

Variety blend tool for winter wheat

Further information

How do winter wheat varieties perform when sown very late?

Supplementary report on very-late-sown winter wheat (2019–23)

Variety 'watch-list' for yellow rust

Variety 'watch-list' for brown rust

UK Flour Millers website

UK Flour Millers mill map

Growing wheat for exports
