Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

14 November 2023

Earlier today, AHDB published the provisional release of the AHDB Early Bird Survey (EBS) of early plantings and planting Intentions for harvest 2024.

17 November 2023

Domestic feed wheat futures have remained volatile this week, following price movements in global grain markets. Domestic new crop feed wheat futures have moved slightly differently to old crop, with concerns over wet weather hampering plantings in the UK.

9 November 2023

The competitiveness of Black Sea wheat has been in focus for markets throughout this season, keeping a cap on price gains. Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, grain continues to leave the country, albeit more slowly than this time last year.

8 November 2023

Tomorrow will be the release of the USDA World Agricultural Supply & Demand Estimates (WASDE) for November and the US crop production reports.

7 November 2023

Demand from the UK bioethanol and starch sectors remained strong in September, indicates the latest UK usage data.

3 November 2023

New crop (Nov-24) UK feed wheat futures have risen £4.90/t since Friday 20 October, closing at £208.00/t yesterday.

6 November 2023

As discussed in a previous analysis, malting barley premiums remain historically high at the moment. As at 12 October, the gap between the UK average spot ex-farm price for premium malting barley and feed barley was £71.20/t.

1 November 2023

For most parts of Europe, winter cereal drilling is progressing well, according to the European Commission’s latest crop monitoring report. This is despite a later start, as delayed crop harvesting wrapped up.

31 October 2023

As US harvests are progressing quickly, focus for plugging the supply gap turns to South America for the start of 2024.

27 October 2023

Results from the Cereal Quality Survey confirm lower quality for both wheat and barley from the 2023 harvest, including specific weights.

26 October 2023

UK feed wheat futures (Nov-23) have been pressured so far this week, closing yesterday at £184.80/t.

25 October 2023

Longer-term outlooks for oilseed markets have been marginally bearish. This is on the expectations of large South American soyabean crops coming to the global market at the start of 2024.
