Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

6 November 2023

Fertiliser prices have seen little change from the last fertiliser update, though remain historically high for this point in the season.

20 October 2023

The 2023 UK oat crop is provisionally the smallest since 2016. Provisional data from Defra (for England) and the Scottish government, plus estimates for Wales and Northern Ireland point to the 2023 crop totalling 841 Kt.

19 October 2023

The 2023/24 AHDB Early Balance Sheet estimates of wheat and barley were released on Tuesday. In the estimates, wheat usage in animal feed production was forecast up 3% on the year, at 7.119 Mt.

19 October 2023

Since 2019/20, the UK has been a net-importer of oilseed rape (OSR), with imports ramping up as production has gradually reduced.

17 October 2023

Today, AHDB published the 2023/24 Early Balance Sheets for wheat and barley, which provide a first look at supply and demand for the season ahead.

16 October 2023

The USDA last night cut its forecasts for US maize and soyabean production, triggering price rises in the Chicago futures markets.

13 October 2023

Defra and Scottish government released provisional data crop areas, yields and production this morning.

12 October 2023

Global grain prices have remained volatile as of late, and after some support on Monday, fell back again during yesterday’s session.

10 October 2023

UK ex-farm premiums for bread milling wheat over feed wheat, and the premiums for malting barley over feed barley are still historically high.

9 October 2023

Chicago wheat and maize prices rose yesterday due to weather concerns, developments in the Black Sea and technical trading, but UK wheat futures didn't follow.

10 October 2023

Russia’s wheat export pace started the season strongly, according to Russian consultancy SovEcon. Cumulative season-to-date exports (Jul – Sep) are up 49% from the same point last season and 26% higher than 2021/22.

4 October 2023

Chicago soyabean futures (Nov-23) fell $1.56/t over yesterday’s session to the lowest point since the end of June, at $467.61/t. A stronger US dollar and expectations of plentiful global supply have seen prices generally in decline over the past few weeks.
