Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

15 December 2023

Updated government estimates for Canada and Australia show larger 2023/24 wheat, barley and oat crops than predicted in September.

1 December 2023

On Tuesday, AHDB held our annual Grain Market Outlook (GMO) Conference in York. The day focused on optimising business potential, and the first session of the day looked at the outlook for global grain and oilseed markets moving forward.

30 November 2023

The rise in UK feed wheat futures for harvest 2024 relative to world markets over recent weeks, has benefited old crop (May-24) prices too.

26 June 2024

Yesterday, we held our annual Grain Market Outlook (GMO) Conference in York. The theme of the day was optimising business potential. Within the market outlook session, we were able to release the latest insights on the full economic cost of production and margin picture for both harvest 2023 and harvest 2024, which I am going to delve into for today’s grain market daily.

7 December 2023

Today, AHDB published the first official UK supply and demand estimates for wheat, barley, oats and maize for the 2023/24 season.

29 November 2023

November has seen volatility for oilseed markets on the back of the dry weather ongoing in Brazil, which has impacted the plantings and early development of their record soyabean crop.

23 November 2023

New crop news is becoming more in focus in markets currently and will become increasingly prominent in market price action by the time we get to May.

22 November 2023

Carbon markets and other private environmental markets and are expected to expand rapidly over the coming decades as businesses are required to meet environmental targets. Prices in these markets are likely to increase, as both quality standards are introduced in these markets, and as demand for offsetting increases as businesses have to clearly demonstrate their carbon reduction credentials.

22 November 2023

Contrasting weather conditions and the responses of speculative traders remain key market influences this week.

21 November 2023

Despite harvest 2023 for many being an expensive crop to grow due to high input costs, global grain prices have been pressured over recent months.

16 November 2023

A few weeks ago I discussed that Brazilian weather was a critical watchpoint for oilseed markets, as farmers plant what is forecast to be a record soyabean crop.

16 November 2023

Results show that the SFI scheme alone is not going to be enough to mitigate the loss of Direct Payments, an intentional design of the scheme. But that taking part in the SFI scheme can provide substantial extra income for an arable business, and with the right combination of actions for their individual farm, could make up a considerable amount of the shortfall.
