Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

26 April 2023

Yesterday, we held our Spring Grain Market Outlook webinar. At the peak, we had just under 250 people tuning it, which was great. If you missed it, don’t worry - you can watch the webinar back on YouTube, with the video detailed below. I also cover off some key points discussed yesterday too in today’s analysis.

25 April 2023

At 10:30am today, our team of market exports will be going live for our 2022 Spring Grain market Outlook webinar.

21 April 2023

For the last three years we have constantly been writing about the La Niña weather event in the South Pacific, and notably how this impacts South America and Australia.

20 April 2023

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, movement of cereals and oilseeds from Ukraine changed. Eastern European countries become transit routes for Ukrainian grain that could not be shipped from Black Sea ports. Bottlenecks experienced in moving this grain has meant lots of grain has stayed in countries bordering Ukraine, pressuring grain prices for local farmers.

19 April 2023

On top of concerns regarding the future of the export corridor deal in Ukraine, a key driver of global wheat markets this week has been reports of poor US winter crop conditions, with an ongoing drought in some key producing regions.

18 April 2023

In March, UK produced ammonium nitrate (AN) (34.5% N) for spot delivery averaged £465/t, according to the latest AHDB GB fertiliser prices. March’s average is down £166/t on the month and £374/t lower than levels recorded in March 2022. That said, the latest price remains £181/t higher than levels recorded in in March 2021 – pre-war times.

14 April 2023

Yesterday, HMRC published the latest UK trade data figures, with an update for grain imports and exports up to the end of February. As is well known, due to a large surplus of domestic feed wheat this season, the pace of wheat exports has been strong over the last few months.

14 April 2023

Recently, Defra released updates on how they plan to support farmers and land managers in confidently accessing private sector payments alongside public payments (e.g., the Environmental Land Management scheme), for providing environmental benefits in England.

12 April 2023

Yesterday, the USDA released their latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). With much of the market focus now on new crop conditions for next season’s production, the report didn’t result in any major market reactions.

11 April 2023

As outlined last week, there is an agreement in principle for the UK to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

5 April 2023

Volatile wheat prices have certainly dominated news in recent weeks and months in grain markets. However, over the past few weeks we have been seeing a different movement in maize markets, with less significant falls than wheat.

4 April 2023

In March, old crop (May-23) Paris rapeseed futures lost over €50/t (1 to 31 Mar). Domestic prices also fell over the same period, with delivered rapeseed (into Erith, May-23) being quoted at £408.50/t last Friday (31 Mar), which was up £21.50/t on the week, but down from £466.00/t on 3 March.
