Environment outlook: Will farming carbon become central for every farm business?

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

All the signs are that farmers and growers will have to measure their carbon stocks and emissions, and demonstrate how the products they are producing can be done so with less carbon. Carbon management is good for business - lower carbon footprints are often associated with higher efficiency, above average yields and better margins.

The broader challenge for agriculture and society as a whole; is how do we produce low carbon/sustainable, safe, affordable and secure food supplies in a world where there will be greater demand for food. In particular, how do we produce good quality protein, while at the same time increasingly deliver public goods and services?

Jon Foot, our Head of Environment, shares his thoughts on the above challenges in a long-view on the environment; part of our wider Agri-Market Outlook. He also discusses some steps that levy-payers can take to begin understanding their carbon footprint.

Alongside our Agri-Market Outlook, we have published information on our website to help the industry make sense of carbon emissions and carbon offsetting.
