
25 July 2024

Processing costs for dairy products eased in the first quarter of 2024, thereby increasing the value of AMPE and MCVE.

24 July 2024

Spend on ice cream has grown significantly (+6.9%) as consumers try ice cream sharing boards

25 July 2024

The latest news, updates and advice on bluetongue (BTV3) in the UK.

23 July 2024

After some very wet weather in 2024, there is a heightened risk of ergot and fusarium infection in some crops, which poses a risk to livestock. Find out what is affected, what to look out for and what action you can take.

23 July 2024

Livestock farmers in the UK are being encouraged to be familiar with how to spot for signs of ergot and fusarium, as there could be an increased presence of the two types of fungi in grain harvested this summer.

22 July 2024

Essential information on how farmers can combine various Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) actions to help boost income has been updated by AHDB.

20 August 2024

Join us at this on-farm meeting to help you take steps to enhance your herd’s mobility while out grazing and at the same time boost profits and public perceptions.

4 September 2024

During this webinar, experts from the four nations and the continent will discuss the latest updates regarding bluetongue.

7 August 2024

During this webinar, experts from the four nations and the continent will discuss the latest updates regarding bluetongue.

24 July 2024

On 14 May, the second Farm to Fork Summit was held at Downing Street and the first UK Food Security Index was published.

22 July 2024

How to make a complaint or report misconduct

4 September 2024

Join us at this on-farm meeting to help you take steps to enhance your herd’s mobility while out grazing and at the same time boost profits and public perceptions.
