
17 July 2024

Andrew Rutter uses genetic selection and genomics to breed Holstein cattle.

19 July 2024

Milk has been a staple in our diets for generations, but today, it faces challenges from new brands and the spread of misinformation, especially on social media. Gen Z, in particular, are exposed to a lot of conflicting information. Our new Milk Every Moment campaign will correct myths and provide factual information about British milk to this younger audience.

17 July 2024

Quarterly round-up of key dairy market analysis

15 July 2024

How important are holiday events for meat and dairy sales? New AHDB research reveals consumer trends and retail opportunities.

17 July 2024

Track star Christine Ohuruogu MBE went gold and raised a glass of milk as part of our Milk Every Golden Moment campaign highlighting the importance of milk in sport.

15 July 2024

A hoof-health registry will help producers breed for better herd mobility.

24 July 2024

Hemlock is a significant risk to livestock due to its highly toxic nature. Effective management involves a combination of prevention, mechanical control, chemical control, and ongoing monitoring.

22 July 2024

Join us at one of our on-farm meetings to help you take steps to enhance your herd’s mobility while out grazing and, at the same time boost profits and public perceptions.

10 July 2024

EU dairy product availability: butter supplies fall in Q1 as production shrinks

11 July 2024

Duncan Nelless, alongside his brother Angus Duncan, farms Thistleyhaugh Farm in Northumberland. This family-run operation spans 2,000 acres of diverse landscape, from riverside sand and gravel to heavy clay loams and peat soils.

10 July 2024

Will Langton, a fourth-generation dairy farmer, manages Crowfields Farm in Derbyshire alongside his mother. The farm spans 150 acres, with some fields bordering Nottinghamshire.

10 July 2024

Earlier this year, as part of our Education work to build children’s confidence in cooking and nutrition, we launched an innovative initiative to provide free ingredients to schools.
