Agriculture and the seventh carbon budget
According to the Climate Change Committee (CCC), agriculture is currently the fourth-highest-emitting sector in the UK, and in order to reach net zero it will need to have cut emissions from 2022 levels by 39% by 2040.
After this reduction, agriculture is predicted to be the second-highest-emitting sector in the UK in 2040.
As other sectors reduce emissions at a faster rate, agriculture will naturally account for a bigger percentage of emissions. However, this does not mean that agriculture becomes a bigger problem.
There are emissions associated with agriculture that will be increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate, but agriculture is unique in its capacity to negate these emissions via carbon sinks.
Through modelling, the CCC has designed a clear path to net zero for the UK by 2050, known as the Balanced Pathway, included within the carbon budget.
In this pathway, the CCC views net emissions from the agriculture sector alongside net carbon removals from the land use sector together.
The CCC then envisions that these two sectors together will be able to reach net zero through the uptake of low-carbon farming practices and increased carbon sequestration from woodland expansion and peatland restoration.
Here we look at what this means.
Creating woodland and restoring peatland to sequester carbon
The CCC describes a number of actions with significant land use demands which it suggests are met by the land being released from agriculture, particularly from livestock. Those demands include:
- 16% of the UK to be covered in woodland by 2040, with trees only being planted on mineral soils
- Agroforestry to be included into 10% of cropland and agricultural land. For this to be realised 8,000 hectares will need to be planted each year through to 2050
- A 40% increase in hedgerow by 2050, based on a starting point from the 2007 Countryside Survey; something which is already 18 years out of date
- An increase in the proportion of UK peatland in natural or rewetted conditions from 26% in 2023 to 55% by 2050
The CCC sees the expansion of woodland and restoration of peatland as a key lever in increasing carbon sequestration. However, other than peatland, there is no mention of soil carbon stock increases.
We believe this to be a gap in the analysis and a missed opportunity for enhancing carbon sequestration within the agricultural landscape. It highlights, as mentioned by the Agriculture Advisory Group, the need for a holistic integrated approach.
Important role of livestock ignored
This is the first carbon budget to outline livestock reductions. According to the CCC, to accomplish the above woodland and peatland creation and enhancement, the Balanced Pathway requires:
- A reduction of 27% in cattle and sheep numbers between 2023 and 2040 which will account for a 32% reduction in emissions
- 12% of grassland to be released by 2040, with destocking in the uplands and increased stocking by 10% on lowland grassland by 2050
- A reduction in meat consumption by 260 grams per week per person and diets becoming more plant based
Though grassland is acknowledged by the CCC as a small net carbon sink, the focus lies with the creation and restoration of the woodland and peatland habitats.
Regarding destocking of livestock and reduction in meat consumption, the CCC convened a citizens' panel to explore what an accessible and affordable vision of net zero would look like for households. The panel expressed concerns about "negative impacts on UK farmers and wanted to ensure complementary policies existed to ensure farmers are supported".
Disappointingly, the seventh carbon budget does not make the link between grassland carbon sinks and livestock. The reality is livestock play an important role in soil health, regenerative farming and biodiversity.
Achieving a more plant-based diet may not be achievable for some. Adopting such a diet can be a significant financial burden, especially for low-income households.
There is also a risk, if livestock production falls faster than meat consumption in the UK, that imports of meat will increase to satisfy consumer demand.
This undermines the global net benefit of the carbon budget’s objectives if those imports were to be from countries with a higher carbon footprint in livestock production than the UK.
Furthermore, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 13, there is a global responsibility to address climate change. Subsequently, UK feed should be exported to overseas markets as a more sustainable alternative to feeds which have greater environmental footprint.
Increase in crop yields potentially unrealistic
The Balanced Pathway proposes 7% of cropland be released by 2040, made possible by a crop yield increase of 16% by 2050.
We are concerned at the baseline crop yield used in the budget is from 2022.
This year saw very high year crop yields due to climatic conditions. For example, the wheat yield in 2022 was 8.6 t/ha, significantly above the five-year average yield of 7.8 t/ha for 2020–2024 harvests.
If we apply the proposed 16% increase in yields to be achieved by 2050 using the 2022 wheat yield baseline, it would give a proposed wheat yield of 9.98 t/ha, whereas applying the 16% increase to the five-year average of 7.8 t/ha would suggest a 2050 yield of 9.05 t/ha.
Ensuring that representative baseline measures are used to set targets is crucial, and we would encourage that these baseline targets are reviewed.
With dietary change, the CCC suggested the consumption of pulses as a replacement for meat protein.
However, growing peas and beans for human consumption is a high-risk enterprise in the UK due to pests and diseases, as well as weather.
Yields are highly variable in quantity and quality and, therefore, farmers would need incentivising to take on that level of risk to produce the output required.
Decarbonisation of machinery
Alongside the increase in crop yield and the decline in livestock numbers, the Balanced Pathway requires:
- A 21% reduction of emissions in 2040 through the decarbonisation of machinery
- Full decarbonisation of machinery by 2050, achieved through electrification. The exception being large vehicles where battery size may become a barrier to achieved electrification. If technological development is unable to overcome this barrier, large vehicles will become hydrogen based
- Bioenergy is to be used as a transitional fuel and phased out completely by 2040
The decarbonisation of machinery will have a significant impact on achieving these targets.
The electrification of farm machinery, particularly high-power units such as tractors, combines and materials handling equipment all with large torque needs, is currently restricted by battery capacity. The use of hydrogen potentially offers opportunity and the possibility of conversion of existing equipment.
The development of farming systems with the potential for much smaller and lighter equipment that can undertake automated field operations without the need for energy intense equipment also offers potential.
However, the wholesale move to automated systems is more challenging in the livestock and mixed farming sectors.
Embedded carbon in systems development also needs to be included where investment in steel and concrete is required, as well as ongoing energy use.
Potential to improve the efficient use of current resources and optimising operational efficiency with existing equipment still offers significant gains.
An example of this would be matching the appropriate power unit to the right amount of farm equipment. While primary cultivation using ploughs, cultivators, power harrows require a lot of torque and horsepower, many farm operations require much less.
However, the same extremely powerful tractors are used even when the equipment does not require it, resulting in the overuse of fuel and potential soil compaction. It is not simply a case of having two tractors, one big, one small, as there is massive embedded carbon in each tractor.
But there are many things that can be done at farm level to try and optimise the efficiency of that equipment. Even simply ensuring the tyre pressures are right for a particular operation will influence wheel slip and traction, and ensuring correct weight balance to optimise the use of four-wheel drive during field operations, can have significant effect.
The financial implications of change
The CCC acknowledges the crucial role farmers play in achieving net zero and highlights the need for sufficient support needed in order to empower them to make changes.
The reports states: "Across the transitions, and after allowing for costs, the uplift in total net benefits (private and social) compared to the baseline by 2050 typically ranged from £500 to £1,500/hectare. This supports the case for appropriate incentives and rewards to be put in place to help those farmers and land managers that would like to make the change."
The environmental targets set cannot be achieved without the willing co-operation of farmers.
Farmers will need clear public and private incentivisation and compensation due to the costs in implementation and the income foregone involved.
Farmers need some degree of clarity and certainty in order to plan ahead. They need to be confident of future returns if they are to invest in the technology required to boost productivity and to change farming systems.
The development of the Land Use Framework, 25-year Farming Roadmap, and Food Strategy will give some clarity to the future of farming in the UK, but farmers need to be closely involved in the development in order to ensure the Government fully understands the barriers to participation and change that farmers will face in making the necessary amendments to their businesses.
Further information
Unpicking the seventh carbon budget