Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

1 March 2022

Markets are very bullish at the moment. Yesterday, commodity markets skyrocketed as Russian troops made the move into Ukrainian territory with a series of attacks.

28 February 2022

Grain and oilseed markets saw support yesterday, from rising Russian-Ukrainian tensions. World leaders reacted to Russia’s recognition of the separatist held areas of Donetsk and Luhansk in Eastern Ukraine.

1 March 2022

News of Russian troops moving into separatist areas of Ukraine will dominate trading direction today.

28 February 2022

UK feed wheat futures followed global wheat futures up yesterday. Chicago wheat (Dec-22) climbed $6.98/t, to close at $296.49/t. Price drivers come from tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and expectation that wheat demand could shift to US origin.

16 February 2022

2021/22 is seeing a consecutive La Niña weather event in the South Pacific. This hasn’t been experienced since 2010-2012.

15 February 2022

The 2021/22 oat market looks well supplied following the biggest crop since 1972. But, the export pace is key to minimising carryout stocks to avoid a hangover into 2022.

11 February 2022

The global wheat supply and demand picture remains tight for 2021/22.

9 February 2022

Some market drivers over the last month have been due to South American weather.

8 February 2022

With focus on reduced South American supplies, expectation is for increased US demand as a result. China is the world’s largest soyabean importer, with primary use to crush and feed their pig herd. For 2021/22 marketing year, Chinese soyabean imports are forecast at 100.0Mt (USDA).

4 February 2022

Yesterday, the euro gained considerable strength against the US dollar, with a recorded close of €1=$1.1438 (Refinitiv). This was a rise of 1.2% from the previous day.

2 February 2022

Oilseed rape (OSR) prices have reached historic highs this marketing year (2021/22). With stocks reduced and markets volatile focus turns to new crop.

1 February 2022

Yesterday, two private forecasters sharply cut their estimates of Brazilian soyabean production, which could have implications for rapeseed markets.
