Digital grain passport update: Grain market daily
Thursday, 11 August 2022
Market commentary
- UK feed wheat futures (Nov-22) closed yesterday at £269.00/t, gaining £2.95/t on Tuesday’s close. May-23 closed at £274.00/t, gaining the same amount over the same period.
- Nov-23 UK feed wheat futures closed at £243.50/t, gaining £2.85/t on Tuesday’s close.
- Domestic wheat markets followed Paris and Chicago futures contracts upwards yesterday. Driving this is the hot and dry weather in the US Midwest, which is supporting both grain and oilseed commodities. Further to that, persistent drought, and high temperatures in Europe are causing on-going concern for maize yields.
- The latest Stratégie Grains report out today pegs EU maize production at 55.4Mt, down 10Mt from last month from the recent hot weather during pollination phase.
- The third harvest report will be provisionally published tomorrow on the Harvest Progress in Great Britain.
- On Friday, the Market Specialist Arable team will also be publishing the cereal and oilseed outlooks for the marketing year ahead.
Digital grain passport update
Today’s grain market daily is a Digital Grain Passport update. This project is facilitated by the AHDB and aims to digitise the current paper passport that is used by growers, hauliers, processors and merchants.
A digital passport will mean the supply chain will no longer have to keep stocks of paper passports or worry about not having the correct stickers, everything will be available at the touch of a button, digitally.
The further benefits to this digital solution that it will create a two-way data flow for all combinable crop supply chains within the UK. For the first time ever, this will mean there is a universal system of returning weight and quality back to growers in a timely fashion.
Discussions between key industry stakeholders including the NFU, AIC and UK Flour Millers led to AHDB being approached to undertake exploratory work in 2020.
In recent months development has progressed further, as AHDB and the contractor who will develop the system if industry decide to go ahead, have held industry workshops with stakeholders from across the supply chain. These workshops covered different elements of the proposed main workflow for a Digital Grain Passport.
From the industry feedback, AHDB will work with the system build contractor through August and early September to shape the system design of the Digital Grain Passport. The main objective will be firstly to build a simple prototype to present to industry in late September. Following this, there will be further industry consultations in October, with the aim to gain industry-wide commitment to move to the build phase of the Digital Grain Passport later in the year.
Further communication on this project will be linked in our outputs as things develop. In the meantime, the latest issue of AHDB’s podcast features the Digital Grain Passport, please do give this a listen. We are very grateful to Ed Ford, James Mills and George Mason for their time and input into the recording. It can be found here AHDB Food & Farming / AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds: Digital Grain Passport.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Derek Carless / Digital Grain Passport Lead on 07817 257471 or

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