Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

23 March 2022

Ongoing issues within the Black Sea brought fresh highs to UK wheat futures yesterday.

22 March 2022

With Ukraine and Russia being such key players to global commodity markets we have seen volatility and record high prices set across almost all key futures contracts since the Russian invasion.

18 March 2022

Due to the lack of a futures market in the UK, domestic rapeseed prices generally track the Paris futures market.

16 March 2022

With the recent bullish spur in markets coming from export implications in the Black Sea, focus is now turning to availability for the 2022/23 marketing year.

15 March 2022

Support in wheat markets comes from news of a temporary Russian ban on grain shipments to former Soviet Union countries, and concerns about the US wheat crop condition.

11 March 2022

In the last two weeks commodity markets have risen sharply, but amongst these high prices are now ever higher input costs for farm businesses.

9 March 2022

Despite UK feed wheat futures closing down yesterday, prices remain at very high levels. February marked the 22nd consecutive month that UK nearby feed wheat futures gained on the year.

8 March 2022

Brent crude oil prices have continued to surge and UK pump prices are at record highs.

4 March 2022

Global grain prices continued to rise yesterday due to the conflict in Ukraine. In response, several countries are considering policy changes that would affect the world market.

7 March 2024

Although latest analysis may seem repetitive, current affairs in Ukraine are very topical and could have the potential lasting impacts to drive your rapeseed price next year.

2 March 2022

The Black Sea region is vital to global wheat supply, hence the market reaction to the current situation. Between Russia and Ukraine, they account for 29% of global exports.

2 March 2022

Yesterday global grain and oilseed prices jumped up, in response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. UK feed wheat (May-22) closed yesterday at £252.05/t, a new high.
