Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

23 September 2022

Global maize futures have climbed over the last few weeks on relatively low global supply prospects.

21 September 2022

Last week Chicago soyabean futures (Nov-22) gained 2.6% (09 Sep to 16 Sep) due to a slight downward revisions to global soyabean production in the latest USDA World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates

16 September 2022

Harvest 2022 is now in the closing stages in most regions, with 95% of the total GB harvest complete as at 23 August.

15 September 2022

As has been well reported, natural gas prices have risen significantly this year, driven by a tightening in supplies from Russia as well as strong EU demand.

14 September 2022

Global and domestic wheat futures have been on the rise over the last few weeks as concerns surrounding global maize supply, combined with speculation over how much grain will leave Ukraine, has added support to cereal markets.

13 September 2022

Yesterday, the USDA released their latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE). The September report trimmed the global 2022/23 production outlook for maize (down 7Mt to 1,172.6Mt) and soyabeans (down 3.0Mt to 389.8Mt).

9 September 2022

The first provisional set of Cereal Quality Survey results for harvest 2022 are now available.

8 September 2022

The bullish sentiment for global grains looks to remain for this marketing year (2022/23), despite on-going exports from Ukraine out of the Black Sea.

7 September 2022

The pound sterling and euro have weakened considerably to the US dollar over the past month.

6 September 2022

Wholesale prices of natural gas have been very volatile in recent weeks. Energy markets continued to be supported over mounting concerns for natural gas supplies.

2 September 2022

With overheads accounting for two-thirds of the total cost of production, these costs are key drivers of profitability on farm, alongside yields.

31 August 2022

Following the invasion of Ukraine at the end of February, which saw Ukrainian ports blockaded and sanctions imposed on Russia, exports from the Black Sea region had been limited to rail movement.
