Contents tagged with Analyst Insight

30 January 2024

Silage stocks are sitting pretty this year, according to feedback at AHDB’s latest milk forecasting forum. After the difficulties of last year’s hot, dry summer, grass growing conditions have, in general, been significantly better in 2019.

13 July 2021

On Tuesday we published the second provisional results of the Cereal Quality Survey. The results are now beginning to reflect some of the challenges facing the industry with this year’s wheat crop.

13 July 2021

This season UK barley production looks on track to hit c.7.3Mt, the highest level of production since 2015/16.

13 July 2021

Removal of tariffs would expose the UK cereal market to global prices, but would the domestic market feel an impact?

13 July 2021

The UK will need to price competitively against the likes of both the Black Sea region and France, key competitors to UK trade into non-EU markets.

13 July 2021

The UK wheat harvest is now nearing completion, if yields continue in line with current estimates we tentatively forecast production of wheat at 15.9-16.2Mt. In a “normal” year the surplus wheat would find an export home primarily in the EU. However, this year is far from “normal”.

13 July 2021

The potential for a 7.3Mt+ crop of barley is looming for the 2019/20 season with harvest almost complete.

22 August 2019

Hard Brexit analysis of potential impacts facing UK markets in 2019/20.

19 August 2019

Tariffs? Tariff rate quotas? Allocations? We increasingly hear these terms as we approach 31 October Brexit deadline.

16 August 2019

In the week ending 08 August 2019, spot ex-farm purchases hit 63Kt, the first time barley purchases have reached that amount on records going back to July 2000. Moreover, cumulative, spot purchases of feed barley have accelerated to 235Kt, a figure not reached until April last season.

13 July 2021

Although the oilseed rape outlook is for a large deficit during 2019/20, prices have been unable to continually climb due to a global oversupply of soyabeans.

13 July 2021

The global wheat market continues to look well supplied, although there are still areas that could cap future losses.
