UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform

Everyone involved in the care, moving, and handling of pigs on farm needs to complete online welfare training as part of Red Tractor standards.

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The training was developed by AHDB and the wider industry to ensure a consistent and high level of welfare across the pig industry and demonstrate to consumers that we are a responsible industry that takes the care and welfare of our livestock seriously. It is also an excellent refresher tool for those experienced with handling pigs and a great way to upskill new entrants.

Read the press release

Frequently asked questions

When will the welfare training platform be available?

The platform was launched on 1 March 2022. 

How do I access the training?

You can register and log in at:

Will there be a business login or will each person need to register?

Everyone will need their own login details and an email address to register. This enables you to record your progress on PigPro and receive your digital certificate that can be saved for Red Tractor audits. 

Here's how to create a free email account through Google

How long will it take to complete the training?

The moving and handling module takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete, however, you can pause and save your progress as you go along.

Is there an option for group training?

The training has been designed for individual users to log in and complete. If you would like to run group training with your team, we recommend using the guidance in this document.

If I already completed the training, will I need to do it again following the update to the course in May 2024?

Anyone already registered but yet to complete their training will continue on the older version of the module. Anyone who has completed their training can login to access the new videos for free, although this is not mandatory. All new registrations will automatically be enrolled on the new version.

Is there a charge to complete the training?

There is a fee of £10+VAT per person per module to complete the training, which will fund the upkeep of the website and any revisions required to the course in the future.

When does the training need to be completed by?

Red Tractor members needed to have completed the training by 31 August 2022.

Will I get a certificate?

When you complete the training, you will receive a digital certificate that can be saved for Red Tractor audits and uploaded to PigPro, the industry’s online training record.

Who was involved in developing the training?

The welfare training platform was developed in collaboration with Red Tractor, the National Pig Association (NPA), the Pig Veterinary Society (PVS), the Pig Health and Welfare Council, and pig producers.

I have more questions, how can I get in touch?

If you have questions about the Red Tractor standards, you can find more information and contact details on their website.

If you have questions about the training platform, contact your regional knowledge exchange (KE) manager.
