Contents tagged with handling

11 July 2023

Join us for this webinar with world renowned scientist and animal behaviourist Dr Temple Grandin

9 March 2022


19 October 2021

Series of events will help you understand the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement

6 October 2021

Midlands pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

2 November 2021

Salisbury pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Exeter pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Cornwall pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Oxford pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Gloucester pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

6 October 2021

Somerset pig club: find out what the new Red Tractor welfare training requirement means for you

21 May 2024

Access the UK Pig Industry Welfare Training platform

14 March 2022

A new welfare training platform has been developed in collaboration with Red Tractor, the National Pig Association, the Pig Veterinary Society, the Pig Health and Welfare Council and pig producers.
