Herbal leys
Read about the benefits of herbal leys, how to establish, and how to manage for grazing or silage.
What are herbal leys?
The terms ‘herbal leys’ and ‘multi-species swards’ are often used interchangeably but typically refer to a mix of grasses, legumes, and forage herbs within a sward.
The benefits of herbal leys
See our information on the benefits of herbal leys for livestock and the environment. You will find tips on managing bloat and the anthelmintic properties of herbal leys.
Find out the benefits of herbal leys
Managing herbal leys
See our information on choosing species for herbal leys and how to manage for grazing and silage.
Information on getting started with herbal leys
Establishing herbal leys
From seedbed preparation to post-establishment management, follow these tips for the successful establishment of herbal leys.
Find out how to establish herbal leys
Useful links
Learn more about establishing and growing clover
Information on growing and feeding lucerne
Discover grass measuring methods for rotational grazing
Information on FABulous Farmers
Download our guide to using chicory and plantain in beef and sheep systems
Planning grazing strategies for Better Returns
If you would like to order a hard copy of our Clover assessment stick or Planning grazing strategies manual, please email publications@ahdb.org.uk or call 0247 799 0069.