Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

14 July 2020

As northern hemisphere harvests were underway, global wheat markets were pressured as we commenced the 2020/21 marketing year.

9 July 2020

Yesterday saw the release of the latest AHDB planting and variety survey, detailing regional planting figures across the different crops. One of the key highlights of the survey is the 25% reduction year-on-year in the area planted to wheat.

8 July 2020

Today marks the latest release of the AHDB Planting and Variety survey results, providing a planted area estimates for the 2020/21 season. This season has cast many challenges to UK growers.

7 July 2020

The current view of the global wheat market is that it’s looking well supplied in 2020/21 but there’s still potential for greater pressure or more support if crops come in larger or smaller.

3 July 2020

Earlier this week, the USDA reported that US farmers had planted 2Mha less than they intended to plant back in March so we look at what this means for maize and wheat markets.

2 July 2020

The release of the latest AHDB usage data has shown animal feed production down across all sectors in May.

1 July 2020

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) estimates that Australia’s wheat production for 2020/21 will reach 26.6Mt, up 11.5Mt on the year.

30 June 2020

UK feed barley prices could face further pressure in 2020/21 after data shows Canadian farmers have planted the most acres to barley since 2009.

26 June 2020

Although yields are uncertain, there will be another significant barley crop this year. Prices may see pressure later in harvest from the spring crop, and then may gain slightly as farmer selling slows.

24 June 2020

Top global grain supplier Russia are already proposing the imposition an export quota onto the second half (Jan -Jun) of the 2020/21 marketing year, although the volume has not been announced it has potential ramifications for global and UK prices.

23 June 2020

UK wheat could receive either a boost or come under additional pressure in the next few weeks from what happens to US maize crops as they’re now at a critical growth stage.

19 June 2020

Have you factored these risks into your marketing plan, cash flow and business plan for the next 2 seasons?
