Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

3 April 2024

In recent weeks, the British Standards Institution (BSI) launched its new 'BSI Flex 701 Nature markets – Overarching principles and framework standard'.

26 June 2024

How the UK stacks up internationally in terms of overheads, in particular labour, machinery, and land costs.

26 March 2024

Defra has announced that there will be limits to the amount of land businesses are able to put into the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme.

25 March 2024

UK feed wheat futures recorded stronger price rises than key global grain futures markets yesterday, as sterling weakened against key global currencies.

21 March 2024

Both the May-24 and Nov-24 Paris rapeseed futures contracts closed at their highest prices since late-November yesterday (20 March).

20 March 2024

AHDB's most recent GB animal feed production figures have been published, including data on cereal usage and feed production up to January.

19 March 2024

The latest UK trade data includes information on the export and import of grain up until the end of January. Perhaps unsurprisingly, due to the poor quality of this season’s domestic cereals, imports this season (2023/24) to date remain firm

15 March 2024

It never rains, it pours…literally. This planting cycle in the UK has been very challenging for domestic arable farmers, with growers waiting for breaks in the weather to work fields.

22 March 2024

After a wet autumn and winter, and concern surrounding spring seed availability, the UK planting campaign has and continues to see significant challenges. As such, the market is positioning to expect a tighter domestic wheat supply into the new season (harvest 2024), with a growing premium for the UK feed wheat futures new crop (Nov-24) contract over the old crop (May-24) contract.

13 March 2024

Food security is in the spotlight. There is increasing focus on food security due to global unrest, food shortages, climate change and other shocks such as the pandemic.

12 March 2024

With England’s farming industry in the middle of the Agricultural Transition, schemes are being expanded to pay farmers and land managers to provide environmental goods and services alongside food production.

8 March 2024

Wet weather has stalled spring barley planting in France, posing early risks to production in the EU’s top barley exporter.
