Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

26 November 2021

There are positive yield reports from central Argentina as the wheat harvest advances.

24 November 2021

Australian harvest is underway but despite it often being thought of as a drought country, rain is causing issues for harvest 2021/22.

29 November 2021

Early Bird Survey, data we can trust: Grain Market Daily The Early Bird Survey (EBS), released last Friday, showed wheat, winter barley & oilseed rape areas could increase for harvest 2022.

19 November 2021

Today sees the release of the AHDB Early Bird Survey for Plantings and Planting Intentions. This provides the first look at the area planted in the UK for major cereals and oilseeds crops.

29 November 2021

Recent support within oilseeds markets is due to a variety of reasons spanning from soyameal demand to US export demand, as well as the liquid (oil) market.

16 November 2021

Recent dry weather seems to have boosted US 2021/22 harvest progress as explained above. However, for new crop US winter wheat, dry weather may remain a watch point for new season supply.

29 November 2021

Yesterday the latest HMRC trade data was released for September, and the key headlines are as follows

29 November 2021

Yesterday, the USDA released its November World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. What were the highlights and what might this mean for UK markets?

9 November 2021

Ex-farm feed wheat prices have been reaching near record levels in the AHDB corn returns price survey which dates back to January 1990.

5 November 2021

The final set of results are now available for the AHDB Cereal Quality Survey (CQS). Challenges look to remain in group 1 milling wheat especially, as we see premiums continue to grow.

29 November 2021

Global wheat prices are still buoyed by global demand. This in conjunction with rising Russian floating tax on wheat exports and global tight supplies.

2 November 2021

There is a lot of talk about reliance on Aussie crops this year, across the world. What is going on?
