Consumer insight

29 April 2024

Rachel Rose takes a look at just what Brits think about imported food products against the backdrop of trade negotiations with Australia and the US

1 October 2021

After the tumult of 2020, retail sales of the meat, fish and poultry (MFP) category are now beginning to settle back to a more ‘normal’ pattern.

8 December 2021

Research suggests that public opinion is divided on whether regulations to introduce calories on menus will be effective at tackling obesity within the UK.

30 September 2021

Discount, freezer and bargain stores are predicted to be worth an additional £6.6bn per year by 2026 and the fastest growing of all grocery channels.

24 September 2021

Since the UK exited the EU, new and potential trade deals have been highlighted in the news. But are UK consumers likely to buy these imported products if they made it inot our supermarkets and restaurants?

16 September 2021

Consumer price inflation is being influenced by comparisons between a nation in lockdown a year ago, versus a return to norm in summer 2021.

2 September 2021

As restrictions have eased and the majority of the population is now vaccinated, how has that impacted dairy purchasing habits?

31 August 2021

Online dairy volumes rose 71% in the past year, but opportunities remain

24 April 2024

Animal welfare is claimed to be one of the most important factors for consumers when choosing meat products, after other considerations such as appearance and price.

2 August 2021

Over the past year, premium private label sales have been well supported by consumers, with more people reaching for these products on shelves than the previous year.

2 August 2021

The foodservice market was worth £9.4bn in the last quarter, up 116% on last year, but still 23% down on 2019

23 April 2024

Health is a long-standing concern for consumers, and therefore is a topic AHDB monitors regularly.
