Training your team for business success

Explore the benefits of developing your team, and put this into practice using a Skills Matrix.

What is a skills matrix?

A skills matrix is an on-farm tool to record training and skills to help identify the areas where more training is needed. 

It provides your business and employees with a clear outline of which staff members are skilled for which jobs. It will also allow you to identify skill gaps, to plan required training, and help staff progress into other roles. It can be updated six-monthly or annually to ensure it is up to date with all training undertaken throughout the year.

How does it work?

The matrix usually takes the form of a table, with skills and tasks in one column and employee names along the top. For each skill, you can record whether the employee has been trained, is skilled, or is fully experienced and competent in the activity. The box is left blank when training is needed in that area. Tasks can be edited and new tasks added, to tailor the matrix around the needs of your business.

Why should I use it?

  • It will enable you to determine the skills you want new recruits to bring to the business and to plan the aspects they need to learn, when recruiting and inducting staff
  • It can help your employees to identify skill gaps, and consider their future training requirements
  • You can benchmark the skills in your business against standard requirements and identify areas for improvement
  • If you run a larger business with many employees, it can be used to identify staff who are able to cover for absences (e.g. holidays or long-term sickness)

How do I get started?

Watch the following webinar, which explores the benefits of developing your team and gives tips on putting this into practice, using a skills matrix.


Download these editable templates for use on your farm:

Pig producer skills matrix
