
6 June 2024

Recruitment is underway for companies to employ and mentor students during 2025/26.

19 April 2024

The Pig Industry Scholarship Programme has spent over a decade establishing itself as an important player in providing graduate talent to the UK pig industry.

4 April 2024

Graeme Jack and Glen Nimmo have been appointed as AHDB Board members.

12 March 2024

Have you thought about getting involved with the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme (PISP)?

6 March 2024

Find out about a webinar we are hosting aimed at recruiting the next generation for the agriculture sector

4 March 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have been busy delivering the latest stage of the School Farm Visits Support Programme that is being piloted with LEAF Education.

20 February 2024

In January, sixty-five teachers from various parts of the country participated in a hands-on workshop at Harper Adams University

16 February 2024

The AgriLeader Forum 2024 featured an array of activities and speakers designed to push people out of their comfort zones and inspire them to make changes.

11 March 2024

Find out about the opportunities and challenges to recruiting new entrants into agriculture.

7 February 2024

Join us for for an interactive event on time management and business efficiency with Michael Blanche of The Pasture Pod.

4 January 2024

Find out why Andrew Palmer is an advocate for stockperson training

25 January 2024

Join us as we partner with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society for a discussion will explore innovative approaches to farming that align with agroecology principles and system-based decision making.
