Soil-related problems and solutions

A comprehensive guide to soil-related issues in agriculture: how to identify problems, resolve them and prevent them from recurring.

Soil capping and slumping

Heavy rainfall or irrigation onto bare soil can cause a surface crust (cap), which reduces infiltration into the soil.

Where heavy rainfall or irrigation infiltrates into the soil, it can build up below the soil surface and break down soil aggregates (soil clumps), leaving a very limited amount of pore space (slump).

Soil compaction

Compaction is where soil has been squashed into a solid, impermeable layer, either at the surface or within the topsoil. This layer restricts the movement of air, water and nutrients down through the soil profile.

Compaction can be caused by machinery (trafficking) and livestock (trampling and poaching).

Soil erosion by wind and water

Heavy storms, strong winds or prolonged rainfall can cause surface run-off and soil loss (erosion), particularly in areas that are not protected by cover.
