Grazed brassica and forage crops: crop choice and establishment
Find out how to choose the right crop for your farm, tips on establishing crops for grazing, expected costs and livestock performance.
Crop choice for livestock grazing brassica and forage crops
Base your crop choice on the number and type of livestock to feed, when the land is available for sowing, and when the crop will be fed.
Learn more about choosing a brassica or forage crop
Cost and performance of livestock grazing brassica and forage crops
Including forage crop production, crop nutrition characteristics, stocking guidelines and expected costs.
Find out the costs and expected performance of livestock
Field choice and establishing brassica and forage crops for grazing
Although best used as part of a planned rotation, field choice is key for success and to reduce environmental impact. Ideally, brassicas should not be grown continuously; between one in five and one in eight years is recommended.
Read our advice on choosing a field and establishing brassica and forage crops
Useful links
Using brassicas for Better Returns manual
If you would like to order a hard copy of Using brassicas for Better Returns or the Forage First guide, please contact or call 0247 799 0069.