The benefits of integrating livestock into arable rotations

Past Event - booking closed

Thursday, 23 September 2021

10:00am - 2:00pm

Norwood Farm, Bath Road, Norton St Philip, Bath, Somerset


Join us for this on-farm event hosted by Dyson Farming, looking at the output of an AHDB-funded research project, which investigates the benefits of running sustainable beef systems on arable units.

Integrating beef enterprises into arable rotations provides new opportunities for both beef producers and arable farmers. For beef producers, this represents an opportunity for new entrants to the beef industry or for enterprise expansion. For arable farmers, beef cattle may be able to achieve the same or higher net margin per hectare compared to traditional arable rotations, with the additional benefits of better weed control and improved soil condition resulting from the establishment of grass leys.

The event will run five sessions with a range of speakers and attendees will be split into groups in order to work their way round each session effectively.


Timetable of events:

10:00              Registration and refreshments

10:30              Overview of the farm by Peter Lord (Farm Manager, Norwood)

11:00              Session 1: Monitoring soil health with Lizzie Sagoo (ADAS) and Tom Storr (Dyson Farming)

11:30              Session 2: Cost benefit analysis with Mark Topliff (AHDB)

12:00              Session 3: Benefits of grass/clover and herbal leys with Helen Mathieu (Germinal)

12:30              Session 4: Practicality of integrating livestock onto arable rotations with Rob Drysdale (Dairy beef vet)

13:00              Session 5: Utilising environment schemes with Jo Knight (Dyson Farming)

13:30              Questions and lunch

14:00              Close


We look forward to welcoming you to the event. You can register for your free place by booking online, emailing or calling 01904 771218. Attendees must be over 16 years of age and suitable footwear and outdoor clothing must be worn. Please let us know of any special dietary requirements.



If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 01904 771218
