Integrated farming strategies to improve farm health and performance

Past Event

Monday, 28 June 2021

6:30pm - 7:30pm

 In this webinar we will discuss: 

  • Organic vs. conventional systems  
  • Introducing sheep back into the farming system – advantages to weed, pest and diseases management  
  • Husbandry to keep soil healthy  
  • The use of break crops such as grass leys/cover crops  
  • Developing beneficial partnerships with the environment 
  • The advantages agroforestry can bring to your farm 
  • John’s experience of a Farm Carbon Audit  

We will be focusing on innovative integrated organic farming strategies that can also be beneficially used within conventional farming operations to improve the overall health and performance of the business.  

Our speaker, John Pawsey, organically farms a 650 ha arable and livestock farm in Suffolk, consisting of Hanslope series clay and chalky boulder clay. In 2014, John introduced a flock of New Zealand Romney ewes into his farming operations. This 1000 head flock (which is managed in-hand) now form a vital part in managing weeds, building and recycling nutrients around the farm, whilst beneficially supporting his arable rotation and helping to enhance environmental objectives. 

Meet the speaker - John Pawsey  

John started his organic farming journey in 1999 due to concerns about soil degradation and the effects his strategies were having on the environment and biodiversity. To mitigate these challenges, as well as to develop strategies that would be robust and resilient now and in the future, John has, and is developing integrated farm management techniques that promotes beneficial partnerships between the farming operations and its environment. Wheat, barley, beans, oats and quinoa are all grown for specific markets whilst lambs are sold locally or through the Organic Livestock Marketing Co-Operative.  

For more information on John’s system, visit 

If you can't attend the event, please still register and the recording will be sent to you afterwards.



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