Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

21 February 2024

Spring barley planting in France is off to a slower start, as the market focuses on the projections revealed at the USDA Outlook Forum.

15 February 2024

Through 2022 and the first half of 2023, straw was an unusual farm input – it did not see any inflation while other key raw materials were setting price records.

14 February 2024

AHDB’s latest GB fertiliser prices were published yesterday including data up to January. The figures showed that the spot price for imported ammonium nitrate (AN) eased last month to £350/t.

13 February 2024

Old crop wheat prices remain under pressure. UK wheat futures (May-24) have lost over 14% since the start of 2024, and pressure continues to loom on the market.

9 February 2024

There were no bullish drivers in this month’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE), published by the USDA last night.

9 February 2024

For the 2023/24 marketing year apart from the second Brazilian maize crop, most of the global grain supply is accounted for.

9 February 2024

Last Thursday, AHDB published the latest GB animal feed production figures, including data on cereal usage and feed production up to December.

7 February 2024

Current prices point to a larger US soyabean area for harvest 2024, at the expense of maize.

6 February 2024

Global grain prices have been under significant pressure recently from weak demand and falling export prices in Russia.

1 February 2024

In the latest ex-farm Corn Returns data updated this week, the UK average ex-farm milling oat price reached a 19-month high in January at £252.20/t, up 5.8 % from December’s average and up 14.4% from the same month last year.

31 January 2024

Global soyameal stocks are expected to increase in the coming months, with large soyabean supplies due in South America especially, and consequently Chicago soyameal futures have been seeing some downward pressure.

30 January 2024

The UK average spot ex-farm price for feed wheat was below £180.00/t in the week ending 25 January, the first time since September.
